Spiritual and moral upbringing of preschool children

The task of caring parents is not only to raise a child, but also to lay the foundations of spiritual and moral upbringing. In modern conditions, when the flow of various information through television, the Internet and the street collapses, the urgency of the spiritual and moral education of preschool children increases.

The spiritual and moral upbringing of children shapes the personality, affects all aspects of the person's relationship to the world.

It is difficult to underestimate the role of spiritual and moral education. After all, the basics of moral education, assimilated from childhood, lie at the basis of all further actions of man, form the face of his personality and determine the value system.

The goal of spiritual and moral education is to teach the child the basics of culture in relation to people, society, nature and to himself, relying on universal spiritual and moral values.

What are the tasks of spiritual and moral education?

Lay the child basic ideas about good and evil, cultivate respect for others and help raise a worthy member of society.

Psychologists note that children who have learned such concepts as friendship, justice, kindness and love, have a higher level of emotional development. Also, they experience fewer problems in communicating with others and more tolerant of various stressful situations.

Therefore, it is very important that parents start to lay the foundation for spiritual and moral education in the family. In the preschool age, the child is most receptive to the assimilation of simple truths, which will then determine his actions.

The role of the family in the spiritual and moral upbringing of children

The spiritual and moral education of younger preschoolers, in the first place, is influenced by the family . The norms and principles of behavior within it are absorbed by the child and are perceived as a standard standard. Based on the examples of parents, the child adds his own idea of ​​what is good and what is bad.

Up to 6 years the child copies his parents completely. It is useless to call a child to adhere to high ideals, if you are far from them. Set an example, start living as you would like your children to live.

On the path of spiritual and moral education of preschool children, self-education can be a good help. Comprehensively develop the baby, discuss the actions of others, encourage him for good deeds.

One of the most effective and proven methods of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers is a fairy tale . Imagery and concreteness helps the kids to understand what behavior is permissible and which is not.

Love your children, give them enough attention. This will help the child gain strength, faith in themselves. Do not underestimate the importance of spiritual and moral education for preschoolers. Help the kid to form his value system, so that he clearly understands what actions are good, and which are unacceptable.

Spiritual and moral upbringing continues throughout life, but the family determines the importance of the development of basic moral principles.