What if the child is lying?

Every parent would like his child to grow up to be an honest person. But the situation of children's lies is not so rare. Naturally, parents are very upset and worried, considering themselves guilty. That's why Mom and Dad worry about how to teach a child not to lie?

Causes of children's lies

The appearance of untruth in the words of the child should alert the parents. This signals that something is going wrong in your kid's life. Children cheat in the event that they need it. And if you understand what makes a child behave in this way, you can correct the situation:

  1. Lies-fantasy . At the preschool age, the child distorts information by fantasizing. He himself believes in what he composed. So a fairy tale becomes a part of his life.
  2. Lies and fear. Quite often, parents notice that the child began to lie for fear of being punished or humiliated, because kids are very hard to experience shame. Also, the fear of disappointing loved ones leads to the fact that the child has a desire to deceive. Such fear indicates a lack of understanding between the child and the parents.
  3. Lies and manipulation . The reason why children lie, may be the intention to manipulate the feelings of others. Writing tales, a child is set to find himself in the center of attention or cause admiration for himself, his family from other people.
  4. Lies and imitation. It's sad, but quite often children learn to lie with us - adults, when we are deceiving someone in front of the child or ask the baby to tell a lie. Thus, the child considers the lie an element of communication.

How to disaccustom the child to lie?

In order that lies are not part of the habit of a beloved child, parents will need to take some curbs. But first you need to figure out what made the child cheat.

Fantasy children at the age of 2-4 years do not realize that they are telling lies. Most often preschool children write because of the desire to have, for example, some toy or have a certain talent. In this case, parents should not punish the baby or conduct a serious conversation.

At the age of 5-7 years, children start to guess that with the help of untruth one can escape punishment or achieve the desired one. Lies are carefully planned and very similar to the truth. If at this age the child began to lie, this behavior must be stopped at the root. Right now, the kid by the trial method checks whether it will be possible to deceive or not. Parents should explain to the liar the consequences of lying, and also in no case should they set a bad example.

Children 8 years and older cheat rather convincingly. From this age the child, the teenager becomes more independent and wants independence. Excessive guardianship of parents makes it necessary to hide their personal lives and avoid control over their actions. The reason for the deception may be the fear of not meeting the ideal of adults, angering bad behavior or grades at school.

If the child is constantly lying, then adults should pay attention to the home atmosphere. Most likely, a beloved child feels uncomfortable among his relatives, who, perhaps, are not interested in his opinion, do not trust him. In order for your children not to deceive, they should know that the family will support in any situation and take their side. Create in children the certainty that if punishment will be, it is only fair. Be interested in the child's affairs, and in return tell about your own. In addition, if the child is lying, tell us about the possible consequences of deception, which only solves the problem for a while, but is easy to find. Ask the liar, and whether it would be nice to him be deceived. Convince the child that constant lies lead to deprivation of respect from others.

Become a friend for your child, and then the lie will no longer be necessary!