What trees to plant on the site?

It's no secret that the bookmarking of the garden is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Most dacha owners have no idea what they want from their site. And here there are many nuances that depend on the available area, the purpose of landing, the features of the site, climatic conditions and much more. So, to help the doubtful villagers, we will tell you which trees to plant on the site.

Which trees to plant in the country - we take into account the climatic conditions

Southern regions have a remarkable advantage: here the fruit-bearing trees (for example, sea-buckthorn, peach, apple, cherry, cherry, nut, mulberry) grow well. In the zones of the middle belt, it is also possible to grow fruit species (apples, plums, quinces, cherry plums), but their varieties should be resistant to severe frost. Other deciduous and coniferous trees will suit: spruce, cypress, juniper, birch, willow. In the harsh climate of Siberia the silvery and blue spruce, the weeping willow, the hawthorn, the leafy maple, the mountain ash will perfectly come to life.

Which trees to plant in the country - the features of the site

Take into account the area of ​​the site: the seedlings have the property of meter tall trees to grow to giants in 3-6 m and significantly expand their crown. Therefore, in dachas of a small area, it is better not to plant first-rate trees (oaks, pines, limes, birches). A good solution will be the use of so-called column-shaped varieties of trees.

Bear in mind that many fertile trees need similar neighbors for better pollination. In addition, sometimes plantations do not take root with neighbors (for example, the nut "tolerates" only another nut, black currant reacts negatively to the pine).

Do not forget that swamping of the territory can become a hindrance to the normal growth of white willow, honeysuckle, viburnum, hawthorn, spiraea.

Which tree is better to plant - the designer himself

It is important that on the site all plants form a harmonious composition. So, for example, to create a hedge fit acacia yellow, barberry, hawthorn, cotoneaster brilliant, spiraea. If you just need a decorative curb, plant the edges of the dacha with barberry Tunberga , Japanese spirea or cobbler.

If you are thinking about what trees to plant in front of the house, then decide first for what purpose the plants you need. For decorative purposes, give preference to juniper, fragrant lilac, jasmine, chestnut. If you want to create a shadow over the house, pay attention to walnut, maple, eucalyptus, birch.