How to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment?

Situations in life are all kinds. Almost everyone can tell at least one story about a burned pan or a casually set fire curtain. Usually, in its final, the unpleasant smell of burning in the apartment is removed. The solution to the problem of eliminating an unpleasant odor directly depends on its scale. In the case of burned food or even a fire, one test will not be enough. How to remove the smell of burnt in the apartment? Let's understand.

The most effective methods of combating an unpleasant odor

To the great regret, we inform that the universal remedy for the removal of the smell of burning in the apartment has not yet been invented. People have to manage either by folk methods, or special household chemistry, or both. The most effective and the best one finds for himself. Those who have ever faced the problem of completely burned pots, for certain it is known that one can not manage with airing here. So, let's look at several ways how quickly to remove the smell of burnt in an apartment.

  1. If the damage caused to the air space of your apartment is very small, for example, you put something on the stove and warm it up only when you felt an unobtrusive unpleasant smell, then you can do with simple manipulations. The first thing to do is to eliminate the source of the unpleasant odor, that is, turn off the stove and wash the pan. Then we ventilate the rooms. For a greater ventilation effect, a fan can be used. Then we use air fresheners or aroma lamps . The windows can be closed by this time.
  2. By the way, the first two actions - elimination of the source of burning and ventilation should be carried out in all cases of removing the smell of burning in the apartment.
  3. If, for example, the pan burned thoroughly, so much so that the apartment is filled with smoke, one airing and a freshener you will not be saved. The unpleasant smell has certainly managed to soak up the curtains, upholstered furniture and surface wallpaper. How quickly to weather the smell of burning from the apartment? Comfortable living in it becomes, to put it mildly, difficult. Ithaca, first of all we remove the sources of a nasty odor and open wide the windows and doors. Then we remove the curtains and send them to the laundry with the addition of a pleasantly smelling conditioner. The next step is to do a thorough wet cleaning. Particular attention should be paid to upholstered furniture and walls. Wipe them with a damp cloth several times with small time intervals.
  4. After the elimination of the consequences of a local fire, a number of serious measures must be taken to remove the smell of burning from the apartment. In the first couple you need to arrange a wet cleaning and hang around the apartment wet sheets and towels, after a few hours to wash them and post again. Wet tissue absorbs odors. To enhance the effect of the liquidation work, special chemicals for these purposes can be used. After a while it would be good to do some cosmetic repairs , so that the smell does not leave a trace.