Diabetic angiopathy

Patients with diabetes often develop a complication characterized by damage to the walls of blood vessels. Affected as large veins and arteries, and very small capillaries. Diabetic angiopathy also manifests itself in the violation of hemostasis, more specific signs of pathology depend on its type, duration and degree of damage to the blood vessels.

Symptoms and varieties of diabetic angiopathy

The described problem is classified into 2 large groups - macro- and microangiopathies. In turn, each of them contains its own types of disease.

Macroangiopathy is a damage to large blood vessels. As a rule, the lower limbs and heart are affected.

Microangiopathy is characterized by a disruption of the functions of small vessels and capillaries. In this case, the target organs are the eyes (retina), the kidneys and the brain.

Diabetic angiopathy of the lower limbs is accompanied by the following specific symptoms:

When lesions of the heart vessels, macroangiopathy manifests itself as follows:

Now consider the signs of damage to the capillaries and small blood vessels.

Diabetic angiopathy of the retina is characterized by such clinical manifestations:

The defeat of the kidney vessels, nephropathy, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Diabetic encephalopathy or impaired capillary function of the brain has such signs:

Treatment of diabetic angiopathy

Therapy of the described complication of diabetes is the constant control of the concentration of glucose in the blood, as the main cause of the damage to the blood vessels. For this purpose a number of special preparations are used:

Additionally, medicines from several medicinal groups are prescribed:

1. Reducing the amount of cholesterol:

2. Reduction of blood pressure:

3. Removal of excess fluid:

4. Increased resistance of vascular walls, improvement of blood circulation:

5. Preventing the formation of thrombi:

6. Improvement of metabolic processes:

With ineffectiveness of drug therapy or severe stages of pathology, more radical measures are applied.

So, treatment of neglected diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities consists in amputation of the foot. To combat severe nephropathy, regular hemodialysis is prescribed, and in the case of progressive retinopathy, laser photocoagulation is prescribed.