What herbs help to lose weight?

Advertising and visiting doctors affect us hypnotically - we are pinning more and more hopes on pills and injections, and that some kind of grass can really help, even inconvenient to speak out loud. Yes, there is a leaflet to medicines, where, though incomprehensible, the whole spectrum of action is seriously and seriously described, it is to this leaf that we are inclined to believe and trust our life. Whether it's good or bad is not for us to decide, but today we'll talk about the reverse side of pharmacy fanaticism, which also affected the sphere of weight loss - about what herbs help to lose weight.


Medicinal herbs affect us at the expense of the biologically active substances that they contain, in other words, they have the notorious dietary supplements , except that in the herbs you will not stumble upon forbidden components and the scam of pharmacists. Weight loss is possible with the help of four categories of herbs:


Diuretics help to bring the decay products together with the urine, thus, if we are dieting or actively training, it is diuretics that will help to purify the decomposed fat cells. In addition, diuretics are effective herbs not only for losing weight, but also for getting rid of swelling (for example, after a sleepless night), or to fight cellulite. The most characteristic diuretics are alfalfa, fennel, parsley, anise and dill.


Stimulants are herbs that increase body temperature, and thereby accelerate all life processes: palpitation, breathing, digestion and, in particular, weight loss. Stimulants can not be taken daily, they should be alternated with other herbs. Representatives: guarana, dandelion, ginger . From these herbs you can not only cook broths, but also eat, and make infusions of herbs for weight loss.


These herbs suppress hunger, swell in the stomach and have a mild laxative effect. The most characteristic suppressants are burdock, kelp and nettle.


To explain the effect of these herbs there is no need - everyone knows the components of natural herbal laxatives and most of you know their action: they swell and clean everything that comes to them on the way through your intestines. The most famous grass-laxatives are senna, flax and garcinia Cambodian.

Despite the fact that the effect of herbs, of course, is softer and more natural than medicines, one should not lose vigilance - careless combining of unknown components can lead to unexpected, and even tragic consequences.