How to feed tomato seedlings after picking?

Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetable crops. In our latitudes it is grown by seedling method, adhering to certain rules. One of them says that seedlings of tomato after picking should be fed with nutrients for better growth. From this article you will learn how to do it right.

Why feed tomato seedlings?

To feed or not to feed seedlings a tomato - a question disputable. He has both opponents and supporters. The first consider that the seed of any plant has a sufficient supply of nutrients for normal growth and development, and no additional fertilizing is required. In fact, usually tomatoes grow well under the condition of suitable soil, lighting and proper presowing preparation.

However, many people, in order to get a guaranteed quality harvest, and before growing a strong and healthy seedlings, use the method of fertilizing. In this case, you need to know when and how to feed tomatoes. So, let's find out what to feed tomato seedlings so that it grows better after picking.

What fertilizer to feed tomato seedlings?

In total, from the moment of picking up to the moment when the tomato seedlings are planted in the open ground, 2-3 pickings take place with an interval of a couple of weeks. More often it is not worth it - it will not do it for the benefit of the plant.

The first fertilizing is carried out 2 weeks after the pick. During this time, plants usually have time to adapt to new conditions and tolerate this procedure well.

There are several basic options for dressing:

  1. The most common of them is ordinary wood ash . She is insisted for 24 hours (1 table spoon for 2 liters of hot water), and then filter and put under the root of the plant.
  2. A good solution is also a mixture of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate dissolved in water. For 1 liter of water, these substances are taken in a ratio of 0.5: 3: 1.5 g.
  3. Often beginners gardeners are interested in whether it is possible to feed seedlings with a tomato urea. Of course, you can: this substance in an amount of 0.5 g is mixed with 4 g superphosphate and 1.5 grams of potassium salt, and then diluted in 1 liter of water at room temperature.
  4. Choosing what to feed a bad seedling tomato, pay attention to the infusion of eggshell. For its preparation take three-liter jar, fill it with crushed shell for 2/3, pour water and leave to infuse for several days. The resulting infusion is diluted with pure water in a ratio of 1: 3.

  5. Similarly, for infusion of seedlings, the infusion of dried banana peel is used.

These options are some of the best, than you can feed seedlings tomatoes for root growth. Try these methods, and your tomatoes will grow strong and strong, and after - will please a good harvest.