Pruning roses in spring

The long-awaited spring came, and the gardeners had a lot of work to put the plot in order after winter. Probably, there is not a single infield wherever the queen of the garden grows - a rose. To this beautiful woman was pleased with beautiful flowers, you need to constantly take care of the rose. And one of the elements of such care is pruning roses.

Let's look at when it's better to cut roses and how to do it right in the spring.

Spring pruning of roses

Experts advise to prune roses in spring, summer and autumn. However, the most important is the spring pruning of this plant. It is necessary to conduct it annually, and the most suitable month for this work is April. The purpose of spring pruning is to activate the growth of young shoots, the formation of a beautiful open bush and abundant flowering. Carrying out spring pruning of roses is necessary in the interval between how the winter shelter will be removed and the buds on the plant will be blossomed.

To properly trim a rose flower, you should follow some general rules. First, sanitary pruning is carried out: all diseased or dead shoots are removed. In addition, you need to cut off all the weak shoots and stems that grow inside the bush. Then the old shoots are trimmed so that a healthy greenish tissue of the young appears. Further pruning roses will depend on the plant variety.

Pruning roses in the spring can be weak, medium or strong. Strong pruning is used when it is necessary to rejuvenate the old bush, or when planting seedlings of roses in spring. With this pruning, 2-4 kidneys are left at the base of the stems, and the rest is cut off. In order to form a beautiful bush, it is necessary to leave 4-5 strong shoots on it, and remove the extra ones.

To stimulate the early flowering of roses and ensure the most decorative ornamental bushes, average pruning is carried out to a level of 5-7 buds.

Some varieties of roses are poorly pruned. In this case, the shoots are slightly shortened. And these roses are cut off for 3-4 years, and only when the bush becomes old, rejuvenating strong pruning is performed.

Experienced experts in the cultivation of roses advise to carry out a combined pruning, with which you can achieve continuous flowering.

Features of spring pruning of different varieties of roses

  1. In tea-hybrid varieties of roses, flowers appear on the processes of this year. Therefore, in an adult plant we leave 4-6 buds and cut it 20 cm from the ground. Young rose cut 15 cm from the soil and leave 2-4 kidneys.
  2. Pruning of clinging roses is carried out in the spring immediately after they have been sheltered from them. At the same time, the main stems are slightly shortened, and 2-3 buds are left on the side shoots.
  3. If you want to prolong the flowering of the rose floribunda , it should be combined pruning. In this case, part of the shoots must be cut severely, and the other - moderately. Thus, half of the shoots will be stimulated to early flowering, and the second half - to the growth of shoots from the root and flowering more later.
  4. For ground-covering roses there is no need for forming pruning, therefore in the spring they are only slightly thinned. In this case only vertical shoots are to be removed. Strong pruning of these roses is done every 5-6 years.
  5. Roses of a large group of modern sherbas do not need frequent pruning . It is carried out only to form a beautiful bush. For this, for high-grade roses, the main shoots must be shortened to the third part, and shoots of plants having a height of up to 1.2 meters are shortened in half.

It should be remembered that the pruning of roses must be sharpened tools: garden shears, saw or pruner. Be sure to burn out sprouts in order to avoid the spread of various diseases. And the place of trimming is sure to be covered with garden wine or "Runnet" paste, which is also able to protect from the infection of the surface of slices.

Correct pruning is a guarantee that your favorite roses will be the season for you with their wonderful blooming.