How often to water an orchid?

An exotic orchid is a favorite of many florists. The beauty of an infinitely graceful bud is fascinating. However, in addition to the attractive appearance, the orchid is notable for care. The slightest deviation, and the capricious plant reacts with the withering and blackening of the trunk, dropping buds. That is why it is so important to know about all the features of caring for a beautiful woman from the tropics. We will reveal the truth about how often to water the orchid.

How often should you water the orchid?

This burning issue is relevant for virtually all newcomers who have just acquired this beautiful plant. The most important thing in watering is to wait until the substrate dries completely. Loose mass in the pot allows you to quickly penetrate moisture throughout the tank - after watering the roots of the plant acquire a bright green color. Every day on the walls of the pot you can see the appearance of condensation and the gradual drying of the roots. You can start watering if the following conditions are met:

Better yet - move this procedure the next day for fidelity. Usually watering is performed on day 6-8.

In periods when the window is cool and humid weather, and central heating is not included, you do not need to hurry with watering. The orchid generally tolerates the drying of the substrate better than the waterlogging, to which it reacts by the blackening of the roots and stems.

How often to water an orchid - special cases

The rules described above apply to cases where your pet does not bloom and is in a room with a normal level of air humidification.

If we talk about how often to water orchids in winter, then there is a number of features. At this time of year, city heating, as a rule, overdry the air of the premises. If your apartment is hot in winter, the substrate in the pot can dry faster. Therefore, often the frequency is increased from once a week to two times. Of course, one should look at the state of the roots and the substrate.

As to how often to water an orchid during flowering, then there is no need to focus on complete drying of the substrate, so as not to lose buds at all. Watering is carried out when some of the roots are covered with a silvery coating, but there will still be a little moisture in the pot - about 5-6 days.

An equally important problem for many florists is how often to water the orchid after a transplant. In order to avoid rotting of roots and not to interfere with adaptation in a new pot, watering is carried out on the fifth - sixth day, not earlier.