Pests of strawberries and their control

Starting the planning of the garden site, most of the newly-made summer residents are given the most "trump" place under the garden with strawberries . But even a lovingly chosen site and the most tremulous care can not serve as a guarantee of a good harvest. And in many respects it is the merit of a lot of strawberry insects that hunt to garden strawberries, without a properly organized fight against which no berries can remain in the garden.

How to treat strawberries from pests?

For the war to be a pest with a confident and unconditional victory, it is necessary first to correctly identify the enemy's species. Most often raids on strawberry plantations are performed by:

  1. Strawberry nematode. Microscopic (up to 1 mm in length) worms can not be seen with the naked eye. The signs of their appearance are various deformations of both the green part of the bush and the ovaries. Struck strawberries struck by a nematode and burned.
  2. Strawberry mite. Dangerous because it sucks out the juice from the leaves. As a result, strawberries are weakened and do not bear fruit. In early spring, against straw, strawberries are sprinkled with colloidal sulfur, and before flowering - sprayed with Neoron. With a large area of ​​damage from the plantation, remove all the strawberry leaves (mow down, then burn).
  3. Spider mite. It affects the terrestrial part of strawberries, drinking juices and entangling the leaves with cobwebs. To combat use "Carbophos", spraying beds after the last harvest. Immediately after spraying, the bed is covered with polyethylene and left in this form for 3-4 hours.
  4. Aphid. Small size sucking pest, the spread of which contribute to ants. To fight, you can use garlic or soap solution, carefully treating both sides of the leaves.