Peanuts are good and bad

Peanuts, in fact, is a root crop, but due to the similarity in properties and taste qualities, this product is often referred to as the genus of nuts. It is recommended for consumption is not for everyone, so it is worthwhile to sort out the use and harm of peanuts.

What is the use of peanuts?

In the peanut are various substances useful for the body, among which you can list vitamins B1, B2 and C, as well as minerals sodium, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to this, the use of peanuts has a beneficial effect on health.

The energy value of peanuts is very high: 551 kcal. Of these, 26.3 grams are proteins, 45.2 grams are fats, and very little 9.9 grams are carbohydrates. This product is not recommended for dietary nutrition during weight loss, because delicious nuts can be eaten a lot unnoticed, and high calorie content will break the course of weight loss.

Speaking about the beneficial properties of peanuts, we can not fail to mention the following:

It is worth noting that peanuts can benefit both harm and harm simultaneously to the gastrointestinal tract: the fact is that in this raw form this nut can provoke a digestive disorder, therefore it is recommended to eat it roasted.

Harm and contraindications to peanuts

Most often, we eat salty and roasted peanuts, the benefits and harm of which are sometimes tightly intertwined.

So, for example, peanuts are recommended to eat without the skin, because it is a strong allergen. Danger this property is not only for allergy sufferers, but for those who have never observed allergic reactions.

In addition, peanuts are not recommended for use by those who suffer from joint diseases: arthrosis, arthritis and gout. This is due to the large amount of protein that is included in the product.

Pay attention to the quality of peanuts, as this product is very fastidious to storage conditions, and with humidity quickly gets a mold that you will surely learn by smell and mustiness. Such nuts are better not to eat: getting into the human body, the fungus affects weakened organs and fills the body with toxins.

It is believed that peanuts can thicken the blood, and therefore, it should not be used by those who have even the slightest problems with the vessels and especially - varicose veins.

In everything, it is important to know the measure - if you eat peanuts in very limited quantities and not every day, negative properties may not affect you. However, if you have contraindications, it is better to refuse it.