How to forget a loved one - advice of a psychologist

Often there are situations when the question arises, what to do to forget your loved one? The reasons for parting may be different, but in the end it is necessary to reconcile with the idea that this man is no longer on the path. Psychologist's advice will tell you how to forget your loved one and help you to overcome separation easier.

Is it possible to forget the person you love?

The first time after parting, all dreams and thoughts are devoted only to him. All around reminds of the dissolved relations: gifts, music, places of rest and many other things. These memories are very painful, they cause tears and despair, so it is necessary to stop your suffering as soon as possible, starting to live today. Forgetting a loved one is possible, for this it is important to know how to say goodbye to former love, so that the process of parting is the most painless.

What can I do to forget a loved one?

Definitely do not need to sink your grief in wine. Alcohol will only help temporarily to reduce suffering, but will not solve the problem itself. You should not also look for a girlfriend for misfortune, because instead of going out of the state of depression, you will go into it together. Do not resort to magical rituals, because their result is rather doubtful. To date, in psychology, there is a list of very specific actions aimed at understanding how to forget a loved one.

First, it is necessary to accept the fact that there can not be a continuation of the relationship with this man, but there is no desire to suffer from you. Secondly, it is important to clear the space for your new life. You can imagine how much good you can expect in the future, if you throw unnecessary relationships out of your head. Certainly ahead of the mass of new interesting acquaintances, travel, career growth, interesting studies or family life with another man. Start a new life will help only a sharp rejection of a previous life. It is necessary to get rid of all contacts, personal things and gifts, however difficult it may be.

Thirdly, it is important to draw conclusions by answering to yourself the questions: "What did this person bring to my life?", "Why did he meet on my way?", "What did they give me this relationship?" And many others. If you do not draw conclusions, the situation may recur. Then, it is worth finding the negative side of your former lover. Relationships could not be ideal, try to remember situations when you were hurt, unpleasant or uncomfortable. Many women, ignoring this rule, retain in memories only all the good, and as a result suffer from unrequited love for years.

How to forget a person, if you really love?

Say goodbye to him, he is part of your past, nothing more. It is worthwhile to understand that there is simply no place for new wonderful relationships, while the old ones are in the heart. It is important to adhere to the principle that everything happens only for the better.

You can try to get distracted by occupying yourself with something new and interesting. This does not mean that you need to plunge into the work from head to toe, you need to be among people, doing something unusual for yourself. This can be a new hobby, entertainment, travel and so on. Any crisis is only a way to new opportunities.

The best medicine is all the same time. If you let go of the situation in free swimming, time will take over the helm. No catastrophe has occurred, just another life stage has been passed, and there are still many new steps ahead, which can only be reached by taking a confident step forward.