STH hormone

The growth hormone (STH) is very important for the proper development of the child's organism right up to adolescence. Thanks to him, the body is correctly and proportionally formed, and the excess or deficiency of this substance produced by the pituitary gland causes gigantism, or vice versa, growth retardation. Although in adulthood the level of STH of the hormone is much lower than that of children and adolescents, it is still of considerable importance.

STH hormone is the norm in women

The highest concentration of growth hormone in the female body occurs in early infancy and at the same time amounts to 53 μg / l. In adolescents, inclusive up to 18 years, the norm ranges from 2 to 20 units.

Ironically, but in adulthood, the norm in women is significantly higher than that for men, ranging from 0 to 18 μg / l. This level of the hormone in the blood is present until the age of sixty, after which it decreases slightly to 1-16 μg / l.

What is the hormone responsible for?

In general, fitness trainers know about the effect of STG on the female body, because beautiful forms, slenderness and the presence of muscle mass depend on this hormone. This substance is able to transform adipose tissue into muscle tissue, which is achieved by athletes and people who follow their figure. Thanks to the STG, the muscles become more elastic, the flexibility and mobility of the joints improves.

For older people, a sufficient level of somatotropin in the blood prolongs longevity, allowing the muscle tissue to remain elastic for a long time. Initially, the hormone was used to treat various senile diseases. In sporting circles this substance was used by athletes for a while, to build muscle mass, but then it was banned for official use, although it is now being actively used by bodybuilders.

The hormone of STH is lowered

Great importance is attached to the level of STH in childhood, when its deficiency can lead to dwarfism. If an adult has a decrease in somatotropic hormone in the body, then this affects the overall state of metabolism . A low index of this hormone is characteristic for various endocrine diseases, during treatment with some drugs, including chemotherapy in cancer patients.

HGH hormone is elevated

More serious consequences cause an increase in the level of somatotropic hormone in the body. It causes a significant increase in growth not only in adolescents, but also in an adult whose height can exceed two meters.

This increases limbs - hands, feet, the shape of the face, too, undergoes changes - the nose and lower jaw become larger, the features coarsen. All changes are amenable to adjustment, but require long-term treatment under the supervision of specialists.

When to take STH hormone?

It is known that somatotropin is produced in the body in cycles, or wave-like, and therefore it is very important to know how to properly give blood to this analysis. In conventional clinics, this study is not carried out. It is necessary to apply to a specialized laboratory to determine the level of STH in venous blood.

A week before the test for growth hormone, you need to exclude the X-ray study, because the data will be unreliable. During the day before the study requires a strict diet with the exclusion of any fatty foods. 12 hours before the visit to the laboratory, any food is excluded.

Smoking is also undesirable, and for three hours before donating blood it should be ruled out altogether. Any emotional or physical stress 24 hours before the study is unacceptable. Blood is surrendered in the morning, when the concentration of STG is the highest.