White spots on the nails of hands

From time immemorial, women from the simple washerwoman to the queen, from the young girl to the venerable matron, strove for the beauty of her body. They did chic hairstyles, rusted cheeks and tinted their eyes, put on bright clothes and, of course, looked after their nails. After all, not a single ring will make your hands beautiful if they are not well-groomed. And, conversely, with beautiful neat nails chic even the most modest ring. But sometimes it happens that on the fingernails of the hands there are white spots that can not be removed with any make-up. Let's figure out what is the reason for their appearance, and what to do with this phenomenon.

Why do the nails appear white spots?

So, why do white spots appear on the nails, what do they mean, and what must be done first of all when they are found. Nails, like skin and hair, are the first to react to all changes within our body. Our ancestors and modern medics of Tibet and the East in general in appearance of the nails of the hands can tell a lot about internal diseases. Even those that we will begin to feel after decades. And yet, what are the reasons for the appearance of white spots on the nails, we will consider this in more detail.

What are the causes of the appearance of white spots on the nails?

The appearance of white spots on the nails of the hands is possible in very, very many cases. Here are the main and most frequent of them:

  1. Lack of vitamins and trace elements. Simply put, banal starvation of the body, often occurs when sitting on a diet. In this case, you can observe the appearance of white spots on the nails of different sizes and shapes. Most often, deficiency of vitamins A and E and micronutrients of iron, zinc and calcium is manifested in this way.
  2. Deficiency of protein. As you know, protein is a building material for bones, teeth, hair, nails and for every cell of our body. If it is not enough, each nail is "decorated" with a pair of parallel white strips and becomes brittle. Proof of this cause will be a strong hair loss and low hemoglobin level in the blood.
  3. Renal failure . If there are white spots at the base of the nails, then first of all it is necessary to sin on the kidneys and the violation of protein metabolism. After all, the processing and excretion of excess protein is one of the main functions of the kidneys. And if it "limps" then the nail plates at the top have a usual pink color, and at the nail lodges, either become covered with spots, or become completely white.
  4. Any intoxication or heart disease. The fact is that in the event of a malfunction in the metabolic processes, or the work of the stomach, toxins are deposited not only inside, but also outside on the skin, in the hair and nails. And with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, whiteness is associated with a lack of blood supply, because the nail beds are simply strewn with small capillaries.
  5. Any injury. For example, in the salon when performing a manicure procedure, or when the profession of a woman is related to chemistry.
  6. Stress. It turns out that a strong shock can also discolor our nails.
  7. Fungus .
  8. Local infections that hit the nail plate.

What should I do if white spots appear on the nails of my hands?

Naturally, go to the doctor and, the faster, the better. After all, to find out why the nails appeared white spots, without laboratory analysis is unlikely to work. But for your part, you should also make some efforts. Refuse from a strict diet and enrich your diet with vegetables, fruits, sea fish and protein products. Allow yourself to go on holiday to somewhere in the resort and relax your soul. Do the herbal and saline hands. And it is quite possible that you will soon see that there are no more white spots on the nails of your hands.