Yogurt is good and bad

If you want to improve digestion, strengthen immunity and get rid of excess weight , include yogurt in your diet. Today, a tasty and healthy sour milk product can be made at home.

Benefit and harm of homemade yogurt

The main advantages of the fermented milk product include the presence of enzymes that process milk protein, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions to a minimum. This feature is especially welcome to people who do not tolerate milk. In natural yogurt contains bacteria that improve the intestinal microflora and resist the negative effects of harmful substances. It is proved that with the use of 200 g of the product it is possible to increase protective functions, before the action of various viruses and infections.

Many do not even suspect that yogurt helps to protect the body from the occurrence of fungal infections. For example, women who regularly use it are less likely to get sick with thrush.

Despite the high benefits, yogurt can also harm the body. This is possible with the use of a fermented milk product, which contains preservatives, flavors and stabilizers.

Yogurt for weight loss

Nutritionists recommend that you include natural yogurt in your diet , which will help improve bowel function. Thanks to this, other products will be better absorbed, which means that you will benefit more from them. Calories in yogurt are few, so you decide how much to eat, because the main thing is not quantity, but quality.

Diets on yogurt can be different, but the basic conditions include daily consumption of 500 grams of natural yogurt. The total amount is recommended to be divided into several receptions. The daily menu should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled meat or fish, cereals and other fermented milk products. Drinking allowed tea without sugar, natural juices and water without gas.