Urological Gaskets

Urinary incontinence is a common and delicate problem. Many women postpone her decision in a "long box", thereby at times reducing the quality of their lives. Even a slight incontinence leads to a number of difficulties of a different nature, but the psychoemotional state of the patient first of all suffers.

Fortunately, pharmacological companies are ready to help - specifically for women suffering from such a disease they have developed, so-called, urological pads. More in detail about this means of hygiene and the range of its application, we will now talk with you.

Women's urological pads: quick help with a long-term problem

With any motor activity and regardless of the degree of involuntary urination, each woman can choose an additional remedy. The assortment of female urological pads is wide enough. Manufacturers offer ladies products with varying degrees of protection. With the right choice, the patient can be fully confident in the effectiveness of this tool, which will allow her to live a full-fledged, saturated life, despite such delicate health problems.

Female urological pads have a special absorbent layer that quickly absorbs and retains moisture inside, while the surface of the product remains completely dry. This, in turn, prevents the appearance of irritation on the external genitalia, which, you must agree, is important. In addition, manufacturers have provided for another important nuance - an unpleasant smell. Another special layer of absorbent, which is an invariable component of the urological pad, effectively neutralizes the smell of urine, which allows a woman to always feel comfort and be confident. Also pleasing and the size of the hygiene means: for all its unique degree of absorbency, the gaskets remain invisible. Their size is not much different from the usual sanitary napkin, which makes use incredibly convenient.

Additional advantages of these hygiene products include:

Where to buy and what kind of urological pads for women are better?

These hygiene products are available for sale. Of course, it is better to purchase them in pharmacies or specialized stores, where besides the goods one can get qualified help in choosing. After all, when buying is important to consider the degree of protection, shape and other points. As for the assortment, today the products of such companies as MoliMed, Seni and Tena proved to be positive reviews. In particular, MoliMed liners have more than 11 varieties, it is natural that such assortment allows satisfying the requirements of women with different incontinence, as well as choosing the ideal means of additional protection after childbirth and operations on the reproductive organs.