How to get rid of stuttering?

Stammering is a speech disorder characterized by frequent repetition of words, sounds or syllables. This phenomenon can be expressed in the form of indecision in speech, resulting in the rupture of its rhythmic flow and fairly frequent stops.

Symptoms and forms of stammering

A clear sign of stuttering should be considered appearing in the vocal, respiratory or articulatory apparatus cramps at the moment when a person begins to talk. These cramps can be different, therefore, depending on the severity, type and place of origin, there are two main forms of stuttering:

Clonic stammering is expressed as a multiple, rhythmic, violent contraction of certain muscles in the speech apparatus. With this form, the patient often repeats individual sounds or syllables.

Tonic stammering is caused by the sudden tone of several muscles at the same time. When uttering the words, the whole speech apparatus is shackled by the person, the face strains, the mouth remains half-open or, on the contrary, the lips close. When the patient talks, a long stop occurs at the beginning and in the middle of the word.

There is also a mixed form, in which the patient has both types of seizures.

Causes of stuttering and its removal

There are two groups of causes that cause stuttering in a person:

If in childhood to eliminate stuttering that has developed on the basis of nightmares or suddenly jumped from behind the corner of the dog, it is often enough to drink a course of pills, to attend speech therapist and child psychologist, then in an adult who stutters from an early age, to cure this The ailment will be much more complicated.

A positive result is provided by a whole complex of measures aimed at overcoming stuttering not only in children, but also in adults. This medication, psychotherapy and physiotherapy. In some cases, it will be effective to add to these sessions the treatment of stuttering hypnosis. Remember that starting any method that promises to cure stuttering in adults as soon as possible, you still will not receive a 100% guarantee of recovery - all very individually.

How to get rid of stuttering?

Today, non-traditional systems and techniques for overcoming stuttering, for example, paradoxical breathing exercises, are becoming increasingly popular. The main thing is not to carry out this method in a complex way. For each patient, a scheme is developed.

But acupressure with stuttering has no contraindications and age restrictions, besides, it can be done independently. Also, treatment for stuttering at home can be done in a long time proven way: several times a day to fill the mouth with small stones and at the same time try to correctly and slowly say different words.

Those who do not trust doctors and prefer to be treated independently, before getting rid of stuttering by traditional methods, you can try the time-tested sedatives of grandmothers on the basis of motherwort or valerian root.