Antimulylerov hormone lowered - what to do?

Antimulylerov hormone (amg) - a hormone related to growth factors, reflects in the female body a population of ready-to-reproduce follicles in the ovary. The level of anti-Muller hormone in the body helps to diagnose a number of pathologies of the female reproductive system.

Lowering the level of antimulylerovoy hormone can talk about:

The increase of antimulylerovoy hormone can talk about:

Antimulylerov hormone in the blood is lowered at its value - 0.2-1 ng / ml, greatly reduced if its level is less - 0.2 ng / ml, within the norm - 1-3 ng / ml.

Antimulylerov a hormone is lowered - how to raise or increase amg?

According to experts, it is impossible to raise antimulylerov hormone. The level of this hormone is determined by the number of eggs in the ovary. His artificial increase will not lead to an increase in the ovarian reserve.

Low antimulylerov a hormone - treatment

A low level of antimulylerovoy hormone is one of the diagnostic signs of infertility, a decrease in the ovarian reserve. Modern methods allow stimulating the activity of the ovaries to produce healthy eggs. It is also possible to use the IVF method using stimulant therapy or a donor egg .

Low antimulylerov a hormone - yet an occasion to despair and refuse the long-awaited pregnancy. A low antimulylerovogo hormone should be combined with a high FSH. If there is no such ratio, look for the problem further. The level of antimulylerovoy hormone does not change throughout the cycle, but in the hope of a laboratory error, you can retake the analysis.

Low antimulylerov a hormone - what to do or make

If the level of antimulylerovoy hormone is low and your age is already over 30, you need to think about the procedure of IVF and other methods that modern reproductive medicine can offer. Because this is the first signal of the onset of early menopause, you will not raise the level of antimulylerovoy hormone, but time will be lost.

Remember that the analysis for this hormone should be performed on the 3-5 day of the menstrual cycle. To consult and refer to the analysis of the level of antimulylerovoy hormone should contact the endocrinologist.