
As folk wisdom says, punctuality is always nothing but the politeness of kings. But it so became a habit for many or even a stereotype that a girl, for example, on a date should always be late for 15 minutes. However, this harmful habit of forgetting what punctuality means has become an inalienable life attribute not only for some women, but also for the stronger sex.

The meaning of the word punctuality is a clear fulfillment of the given instructions, extreme accuracy. This is a character trait, which is an unrelenting adherence to certain rules and conditions, and this is all inextricably linked with time, with the ability to both arrive on time for an appointment, etc., and hand over the necessary task in time.

If you constantly forget about what German punctuality is, it speaks of you as a person with a frivolous attitude, an irresponsible, unreliable person, this indicates your lack of discipline.

By the way, about German punctuality. Germany is a very special country in every sense of the word. And it just observes the real cult of punctuality. The Germans consider the delay to be a bad form, in particular if it concerns students, then this is a delay for seminars and lectures. If you had to live with your non-punctuality in Germany, then the Germans would meet your next delay with the words: "You are today, as usual, according to Russian time."

When a person is late, an impression is created that he absolutely does not know how to correctly prioritize and is not able to appreciate the importance of both people in his life and events, and, consequently, himself. After all, he forgets about the value of this character trait as punctuality.

It is not an exception that your bosses or people who suffer from your forgetfulness of time late will regard your delays as a manifestation of frivolity and disrespect. Responsibility and punctuality are interrelated concepts. Absence of one of them leads to loss of respect from the people important to you (colleagues, acquaintances, partners, friends), money and time.

Punctual people know how to rationally allocate their time, they know how to appreciate it, which means that they are full-fledged masters of their life. Observance of punctuality shows that you respect a person, regardless of whether he goes with you just to have lunch or to conclude a business contract. Some people are especially late for the meeting in order to demonstrate their importance and importance. But by this they show how disrespect for those who wait for them, and steal the personal time of other people.

Consider techniques that help in the question of how to develop punctuality:

  1. Feeling of time. While holding a watch or a stopwatch, count 60 seconds without looking at them. After that, check the results. Then try to determine the minute, but do not count the seconds and check your result again. In case there is a difference between your subjective time and the real one, you need to do this exercise for two weeks. Only after that you will see an explicit result.
  2. Alarm clock. From the time when you need to go out, subtract the cola 10-15 minutes. Hover your alarm clock for this time and now you can feel relaxed.
  3. A box of champagne. If you realized that being ill-advised is not good, then you can risk and argue with colleagues or your friends that starting tomorrow, you will become a punctual person. "Box with champagne" is your material loss in case you do not keep your promise.
  4. Hurried hours. Try to translate the arrows of your watch for 10-15 minutes ahead. After a while you get used to your "hurrying hours" and your chances of being late can be significantly reduced.
  5. Airplane ticket. When planning any meeting, imagine that you are going to the airport and you need to be at the appointed time at the appointed place, otherwise your ticket for the plane can simply be thrown into the ballot box. Nobody will wait for you.

So, as it turns out, being a punctual person is pretty easy. It is necessary only very much to want and you can learn to be always on time at the planned time.