How to tighten the chest?

Do you remember the first time you took your baby in your arms? Such a small and defenseless. How did he funny wrinkle the nose and sweetly wet when you first applied it to the chest?

Breastfeeding is a very important and necessary moment in the life of every woman and her child. Newborn, in addition to the necessary nutrients, also receives protective proteins (those that are responsible for immunity). The woman, thanks to breastfeeding, receives stimulation of the mammary glands, which, according to the doctors-mammologists, is very necessary for the health of our breasts.

How long to breastfeed a baby is up to you. Pediatricians of the WHO say that breast milk should be present in the baby's nutrition until at least two years of age. Specialists in mammology also speak for long-term preservation of lactation and feeding, although the recommended term, for some, is reduced to 1 year. Yes, and psychologists say that it is better to stop breastfeeding for up to a year, since then there is an emotional attachment, which can become a problem.

Do I need to stretch my chest?

It is important not only to stop feeding in time, but also to do it right. And breastfeeding specialists, both mammologists, and pediatricians recommend stopping it gradually. Little by little reduce the number of feedings per day, replace them with lure.

Over time, you should only be feeding at night and at night. In this mode, the mammary glands themselves will reduce the amount of milk produced, and you will avoid the problems associated with the exclusion of the baby from the chest. Drink less liquid and include garlic in your diet, people say that milk from it "burns out" faster.

Such excommunication is certainly ideal, but not always and not suitable for everyone. And then the problem comes to the forefront: "how to properly tighten the chest?". Many doctors say that it is not necessary to tighten the breast. When you stop feeding the baby, the mammary glands stop producing milk. That is, the breast of course, first time is filled, but if, it does not cause any inconvenience, nothing to do is not necessary. The law "Demand generates a proposal" acts here in the literal sense. If the chest hurts, then it must be poured, until the pain stops. And so every time. After a while, the milk will go away on its own.

How to properly tighten the chest?

But if you still intend to use the old proven folk remedy - to draw your chest, then you need to understand how this is done correctly.

Before you pull the chest you need to completely empty it. Feed the baby or express the milk. Without helpers in this matter, too, can not do, since it is necessary to tighten the breast strongly enough. Let the husband or mother take a wide bath towel or sheet and tighten you well. The mammary glands should be hidden from the axillae to the lower ribs. If there is pain in the chest, you need to remove the bandage, put on a little milk, just enough to make the pain go away. And again, put on a bandage.

How long can you walk with your breasts tucked?

Tightening the chest can be for several hours a day, as tug-of-war is a chronically traumatic procedure for the mammary glands. "So how many days do you need to stretch your chest?" You ask. You can stop doing this as soon as you notice that the milk no longer comes as intensively as before, and does not cause chest pain.

Tighten your breasts or use not such a cardinal means of stopping lactation, it's up to you and only you. However, nothing prevents you from consulting your doctor to avoid such unpleasant consequences as lactostasis and mastitis.