Banana massage from cellulite

A can of massage is one of the most effective and available means against cellulite. It is easy to make at home, while the cost of the procedure will be minimal. The effectiveness of cancellation massage from cellulite is confirmed by numerous positive results, therefore in this article we will tell you how to make a can by itself massage from cellulite and whether it has contraindications.

Technology and fundamentals

When choosing the types of cans, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Silicone jars suitable for procedures on the outer surface of the thighs and buttocks, glass - in the more delicate areas: the abdomen and hands.

During the session, you must use oil for massage from cellulite or a special cream. Oil is preferable, because it is absorbed more slowly. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, take as a basis any cosmetic oil (olive, grape seed, wheat germ or nime) and add to it 2 drops of essential oil of orange or lemon. The main thing is not to abuse the essential oils of citrus fruits, these are rather aggressive products that can leave traces of burns on your skin.

Vacuum massage against cellulite is recommended to do on the heated skin. Therefore, the best time is after sports or a hot shower.

The technique of massage involves circular ascending movements on the outside of the thighs. It is not recommended to touch the inner surface, and also create too much pressure in the jar. This can lead to bruising and bruising. The massage jar should move easily and massage your skin, rather than traumatizing it.

Is massage effective against cellulite?

Cellulite is a consequence of many causes, among which sedentary lifestyle and stagnation in the subcutaneous layer. Massage helps to improve blood circulation in problem areas, which is very difficult to work out even with the help of intensive physical exertion. The influx of blood supplies the skin with oxygen, tightens it and leads to tonus. At the same time, pollutants and toxins are emitted from cells and the intercellular space. Intensive local massage of problem zones is able not only to restore aesthetic beauty, but also to improve the body.

However, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications that exist for vacuum massage by banks from cellulite. First, it is contraindicated for pregnant women and women with signs of varicose veins. And it is very cautious to treat this massage technique, even if you do not have varicose directly, but the vessels are located very close to the skin, are visible and form small vascular mesh. Secondly, you can not carry out cancellation massage from cellulite on skin areas with protruding moles or birthmarks.

Another contraindication for conducting such a session is inflammatory processes and violation of the integrity of the skin. In this case, massage will bring more unpleasant sensations than good. It is necessary to watch very carefully that after procedure there were no bruises. They testify to the excessive pressure inside the jar and the rupture of the capillaries, which leads to the formation of bruises. Many people say and write that bruises are an indicator of the effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage. This information is not true, and this can be confirmed by any sane specialist. Massage is designed to improve the blood supply of tissues, while bruises are stagnant phenomena, that is, the exact opposite of the desired result.