Home callas

Kalla is an exquisite flower for refined natures. Home calla is elegant and easy to care for. This plant comes from Africa. In Europe, the flower is successfully grown in greenhouses or other enclosed spaces. The leaves of the calla are as if covered with wax, and the flower has a color from bright and saturated red to dark, almost black.

Care for home callas

To calla happy with a luxurious appearance, it is enough to observe several rules:

  1. Room callas are unpretentious, caring for them is a pleasure. For successful cultivation, it is enough to observe only a few basic rules. A small pot, warmth and light - all this is enough to make the flower delight you with its exquisite bloom.
  2. Home callas need a lot of water. It is especially important to maintain soil moisture during the growing season. When the plant has reached maturity, watering should be moderate, only after drying the top layer you can water the flower. It is best to water the flower after the earth is completely dry. If the water stagnates a little in the pot, this will immediately provoke decay, root drying is irreversible.
  3. Feeding callas at home is necessary from January to March. It is enough to fertilize the flower once a week, so that it will please you with its flowering. You can purchase a special fertilizer for home calla, and if you do not find it, feel free to buy fertilizer to stimulate flowering.
  4. One of the most important moments is the humidity in the room. If the temperature rises above 20 ° C, always spray the flower daily from the spray gun.
  5. Transplant the plant after the purchase you need in a large pot. The flower loves weakly acidic soil. Mix peat, deciduous land and a little sand. The transplant is done once a year in November.
  6. In summer, for a comfortable content, keep the temperature 22-23 ° C, in winter the callas feel well at 14 ° C. Never put a flower in a draft. In spring, after a period of rest to light, the flower is accustomed gradually. Wilted or yellowed leaves.
  7. The flower can tolerate the following diseases: root or bacterial decay, gray mold, anthracnose. Each of these diseases appears due to improper care and is of bacterial origin. Do not overmoisten or dry the soil, drafts, direct sunlight, then your flower will be healthy.

Room callas: tips for successful growing

If you decide to have such a beautiful woman at home, prepare for her appearance as follows:

Keep in mind that colored and white callas require a different approach. White needs more moisture. They do not shed leaves, but in the period of rest their growth continues. Color is not so demanding on the humidity in the room. They need a brighter light, during the rest period they discard all the foliage. So when your plant discards all the leaves, throw it away is not worth it - it's just getting ready for the winter.