Room Violet

Violets are loved and planted at home by many people. These cute plants are very beautiful and long bloom, while most varieties are rather unpretentious in care. There is a considerable selection of room violets of various varieties with different in size and shape leaflets, a shade of flowers.

Room violets - types

When the violet was just beginning to be studied, there were about 20 of its species. Over time, new varieties were developed, which differ in color, shape of leaflets, inflorescences.

By the type of inflorescence, the room flowers of violets are divided into terry and fringed flowers. The coloring of both can be very different, including one-color, multi-color, with patterns, with a border. In ampel species with branching stems, the inflorescence is small, in the remaining species the inflorescence is heapy and there are many of them.

How to dilute the room violets?

If you suddenly saw pots with colorful violets from someone at home and wanted to breed them at home, you just need to ask the landlady to break off one leaf from each plant for you.

You can either immediately plant them in the ground and cover the pots with polyethylene with holes, or put them in a cup of water with diluted activated carbon in it until the roots appear.

If the adult plant already has daughter sockets, they can be deposited in separate containers. It is better to breed violets in the spring in March-April.

By the way, violets periodically need to rejuvenate. Few people wondered how many living room violet. It turns out that she also has a limited period after which she degenerates, discards the lower leaves and resembles a palm tree. This is harmful to her, her rosette is scant, the flowers are diminishing. Therefore, every couple of years you need to do transshipment.

To change it is necessary in the big pots, for the first time having covered with a film. When you notice the intense growth, polyethylene can be removed.