Apricot jam with seeds

Berry season is left behind, and therefore time to free shelves for harvesting canned seasonal fruits. Among the latter in the markets you can find a huge amount of apricot at an affordable price, and therefore from what not to use them as a basis for a variety of blanks. Try to cook apricot jam with bones, which is prepared as simply and quickly.

Apricot jam with bones - a recipe for the winter

Cooking unpurified from the seeds of apricots not only saves time, but also gives the finished product much more flavor, and also allows you to preserve the original texture of the fruit. In order for apricots to absorb a maximum of syrup , they can be pricked with a fork before cooking.



After touching the fruit, gently knead the flesh of each of them with a fork, and then place in enameled dishes. Keep the container with apricots over the fire and cook, filling a couple of spoonfuls of water, waiting for softening. Now start portioning the sugar, stirring the apricots and waiting for the complete dissolution of the sugar crystals. After adding the last portion of sugar, allow the apricot mass to reach the boil and spread the jam over the previously sterilized jars. After lidding the jars with lids, leave them until completely cooled in an inverted state, and only then place for storage.

"Royal" apricot jam with bones

Its name is such a recipe for jam was not in vain: after cooking, the fruits themselves become translucent and golden, and inside each apricot is a white walnut kernel, which has a pronounced almond flavor.

The very same cooking technology requires considerable effort and time, but, as usual, the result is absolutely worth it.



Before you cook apricot jam with seeds, prepare the apricots themselves, rinsing them well and drying them. Using a pencil, squeeze out a bone from each fruit, keeping its shape. After all the bones are removed, they gently crack, extracting the nucleoli. Each of the nucleoli is cleaned from the film and laid back into the cavity of the fruit.

Sugar pour a glass of water and leave the syrup on the stove, waiting for the complete dissolution of the crystals. Knead each of the apricots with a toothpick at once in several places, so that the flesh is better absorbed by the syrup, and then leave everything cooked for about 5 minutes. After a short cooking, the apricot jam is cleaned from the foam and immediately distributed on a sterile container, immediately rolling it.

If you decide to cook apricot jam with bones in a multivark, then use the "Quenching" mode and after immersing the fruit in a syrup, cook them for at least 20 minutes.

Apricot jam slices with orange and bones



Split the apricots and remove the bones. The apricots themselves put in enameled dishes, pour the sugar and mix with twisted through a meat grinder with orange. Leave fruit to juice for 4-6 hours.

Prepare bones, split each of them and deliver the nucleolus. Place the nucleoli in the future jam and place it on the stove. After the beginning of the boil, catch 15 minutes, and then remove the dishes and leave for 8 hours. Repeat the digestion-cooling two more times, and after the last boil, place the apricots in sterile jars and roll them. When the workpiece cools, it can be stored.