Hydrangea paniculate "Kiushu"

This sort of hydrangea is a valuable garden and park culture, one of the few that blooms from the second half of the summer until late autumn, when very few plants blossom. They are used for landscaping gardens, parks, avenues, squares. They perfectly survive in urban conditions due to their resistance to poor ecology.

Description of the panicle hydrangea "Kiushu"

The plant is a rounded shrub with ovoid large leaves, strongly pubescent on the underside and glossy from above. Flowers are collected in oblong, broad-pyramidal inflorescences up to 25 cm long.

The height of the bush reaches 3 meters with a similar diameter of the crown. At the same time, bushes look easy and elegant. The hydrangea "Kiushu" grows pretty quickly and easily tolerates frosts to -25ºС, because it feels well in the middle climatic zone.

The first flowering occurs 4-5 years after planting. Flowers are excellent honey plants. The flowering of the hydrangea hydrangea of ​​the variety "Kiushu" is very long - from the middle of summer to the middle of autumn.

Hydrangea "Kiushu" - planting and care

Hydrangea is well propagated by cuttings . Cuttings are harvested in the spring, using truncated shoots with 4-5 buds. They are put into Kornevin's solution for two days, then they put them in loose, acidic soil to the depth of 2 kidneys. Planted cuttings shade, regularly watered. When the leaves appear, the shading gradually disappears.

The seedlings can be planted at a constant growth site at the age of 4-5 years. When a single planting pits are prepared 50-70 cm. If the bushes are planted with a hedge, dig a trench and plant the seedlings a meter apart. During the growth of bushes the hedge is cut, making a distance of at least 2.5 meters.

Care for a hydrangea hydrangea "Kiushu" is the frequent fertilizing and constant maintenance of soil moisture. Autumn bushes fertilize with mineral dressings, and in the early spring - a solution of urea. Since the bush is fast growing and requires a lot of nutrients, it should be fertilized often.

Every spring, forming pruning is produced. Crop the bushes before the dissolution of the kidneys, shortening the shoots to 3-5 pairs of kidneys. If this is not done, the flowering will gradually decrease until its complete cessation.

In the first year after planting, the bush for winter should be hidden, in the following years it is no longer necessary. At the first blossoming, it is better to remove all peduncles so that the bush develops faster.