Watermelon in Pregnancy

The beginning of autumn is the time of juicy and ripe watermelons, melons, pears, apples, etc. They are tasty, useful, help those who want to lose weight and do not eat sweets, and also contain a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal motility. It would seem that there are no bans and you can eat these berries and fruits without restrictions, but can you watermelon during pregnancy, many people think about it, because this is a special situation.

A bit about watermelon

Homeland of this delicious and juicy berry is South Africa. Scientists have long argued over what is the ancestor of modern watermelon. It turns out that the progenitor of these berries, which we meet on our table, was a "melon tsamma", which grows to this day in the Kalahari desert. Most of all watermelons are cultivated in China, Iran and Turkey. In Ukraine and Russia, these berries are also grown, although not on such a scale. They ripen by the end of the summer, therefore during the watermelon it is recommended to try watering not earlier than September.

Why should you eat watermelon?

It is worth knowing that the berries contain many useful substances: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, pectins and proteins. In addition, watermelon is rich in folic acid, which is needed by a pregnant woman to form a fetus without pathological abnormalities. Of the vitamins it contains thiamin, carotene, riboflavin, niacin, etc. Therefore, the benefits of using watermelon during pregnancy is unquestionable. In addition, berries help to combat a number of problems that arise in future mothers:

Particular attention is to be given to those future women who are prone to swelling. Physicians and scientists have proved that this fruit is a very good diuretic. Therefore, if there are no other contraindications, the watermelon with swelling during pregnancy is a very useful thing. However, do not forget that every woman and her interesting situation is an individual story, and before you enter it into your diet, it is recommended to talk with a gynecologist. This is necessary, first of all, in order to understand how much watermelon can be eaten by you. The average daily rate of this berry for a woman in position is 700 g, but in some cases it can be significantly lower. When asked whether it is possible to eat a lot of watermelon during pregnancy, the answer is always unambiguous - no. And this is due not to the harmfulness of doctors, but to the fact that a large amount of eaten berries can trigger the release of stones and sand from the kidneys. And if the latter does not particularly disturb the pregnant woman, then the exit of the stone will be followed by an urgent hospitalization.

When you should not eat watermelon?

There are conditions and diseases in which it is worth noting the use of this juicy berry. They do not arise unexpectedly and, as a rule, a pregnant woman knows about them in advance:

If a woman has exacerbated, for example, calculous cholecystitis, then a watermelon eaten in large quantities can cause the stones to move along the bile ducts and then clog them. This is a very serious situation, requiring urgent surgery. Therefore, if the watermelon is harmful during pregnancy with the above diseases, only the doctor will be able to tell.

Summarizing, we can say that when using watermelon during pregnancy, its useful properties are undeniable. However, do not forget about the existing contraindications and the fact that everything needs a measure.