Ginger lemonade at home

We offer recipes for the preparation of a refreshing, incredibly useful lemonade based on ginger. This drink has a calming effect on the body, fills it with a mass of vitamins, and also perfectly quenches thirst in the heat.

How to prepare lemonade-lemonade at home - recipe



For the preparation of lemonade we choose a fresh and juicy ginger root. It must be cleaned, processed on a melon grater and pour in a saucepan with a liter of purified water. Now cut the washed lemons into two halves and squeeze the juice from them. Flesh cut into pieces together with zest and put into a pan with ginger mass and water. Add sugar and warm it in a moderate heat until boiling. After complete cooling, strain the ginger-lemon decoction with a gauze cut and carefully squeeze. Now add to the broth obtained lemon juice, lay the liquid honey, pour the rest of the water, stir and give the drink to cool in the refrigerator for several hours. The amount of water and honey can be adjusted depending on the desired concentration of the beverage.

Ginger lemonade at home - recipe with mint



To make lemonade by this recipe slice thin slices or grate on the grater two-thirds of the total ginger root. Lemons are washed thoroughly and shred them as thin as possible in circles, leaving one whole fruit.

We pour the purified water into the pan, lay ginger mass there, circles of citrus and half of all mint and put the vessel on the hotplate plate on a moderate fire. After boiling, pour cane sugar, stir to dissolve all the crystals, boil the base of the drink from the boiling point for five minutes, and then remove from the plate and leave under room conditions until completely cooled. Now strain the mass through a strainer or gauze, pour it into the decanter, add the remaining fresh mint, cut the lemon slices and circle the remaining ginger, and also send the ingredients to the vessel. We give lemonade to insist on the shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which we supplement it with ice cubes and serve it.