SUN Questionnaire

In order to quickly assess the state of health and activity, as well as the mood, you can go through the questionnaire san. This is a test where you, when answering questions, relate your state indicators to some characteristics on a scale in which there are quite a few questions. In this scale there are indices from three to one and vice versa. The technique includes thirty pairs of words that have the opposite meaning. These words reflect action, rhythm, strength and health, as well as your state of health. Remember that the highest degree of fatigue can lead to sad consequences.

Description of san technique

This type of questionnaire of state and mood was developed back in 1973. Developing this technique, the authors proceeded from the fact that the three main components of the functional and psychoemotional state are well-being, personality activity and mood. And they can be characterized by estimates, between which there is a continuum sequence of intermediate values.

The purpose of this technique is the rapid assessment of a person's condition at the time of passing the test.

In the questionnaire, thirty pairs of opposite characteristics. On these issues you need to assess how you feel at the time of passing the test. Each pair is a scale, where it is necessary to note the degree of expression of a certain characteristic of its state.

Select in each pair the characteristic that best describes your condition and mark the corresponding figure.

The person passing the test must put the score that best expresses his condition at the time of passing the test.

Test with questions

1. State of health is good 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 State of health poor
2. I feel strong I feel weak
3. Passive Active
4. Inactive Mobile
5. Cheerful Sad
6. Good mood Bad mood
7. Workable Broken
8. Full of strength Exhausted
9. Slow Fast
10. Inactive Active
eleven. Happy Unhappy
12. Cheerful Gloomy
13. Tense Relaxed
14. Healthy Sick
15. Indifferent Enthusiastic
16. Indifferent Excited
17. Enthusiastic Sad
18. Glad Sad
19. Rested Tired
20. Fresh Exhausted
21. Sleepy Excited
22. Desire to rest A desire to work
23. Calm Concerned
24. Optimistic Pessimistic
25. Hardy Fatigued
26. Cheerful Sluggish
27. It is difficult to think about Imagine easily
28. Dissipated Attentive
29. Full of hope Disappointed
thirty. Satisfied Dissatisfied

Questions on well-being are under the numbers 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26; on the activity - under the numbers 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28. As for the questions on the mood, they are under the numbers 5, 6, 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 24, 29, 30 ..

San questionnaire - Interpretation

During processing, each evaluation takes a certain value and corresponds to one or another number of points:

  1. the troika corresponds to poor health and low activity, as well as to a disgusting mood - this index is taken for 1 point;
  2. two for two points;
  3. unit - for 3 points.

So we move the three from the opposite side of the scale, it corresponds to 7 points.

A positive state is higher scores, while a negative state is lower. The arithmetic mean is calculated on the basis of the scores obtained. In addition, the San questionnaire calculates well-being, activity, and mood separately.

Analyzing the functional state, the values ​​of not only the individual indicators, but also the result of their correlation are very important. If a person is not overworked, he rested, then assessments of activity, as well as moods and well-being in this case most often coincide. The increase in fatigue changes the ratio between these indicators due to the fact that in doing so Well-being and activity decrease in comparison with mood.

On the Internet, everyone can pass a questionnaire online. All that is necessary for this is to answer the questions posed.

Having received the results for each category, they are divided into ten. The average score of the scale is four. Estimates that exceed this figure indicate that the person is well, is in a favorable condition. If the indicators are lower than the four, this indicates an unfavorable condition of the person who passed the test. Normal assessments of the state are within five to five and a half points.