Moving ball games

Constant movement is a natural state of the waking child, but school lessons, developing classes take, unfortunately, a lot of time. The result of a sedentary and passive lifestyle is deterioration in health and mental retardation. Lack of physical activity with interest compensate for children's mobile games with the ball, warning mental overwork. So, mobile active games with ball control are simple and do not require special preparation from the organizer.

«Ball to the basket»

For schoolchildren of lower grades, the mobile game "The ball into the basket" will be a useful alternative to bustling around the school corridors during a break. All the necessary sports equipment is a ball and a regular basket of a small size. Children need to be divided into several teams. In turn, the teams are invited to throw a ball into the basket, located at a distance of one and a half to two meters. The team wins, the participants of which got to the basket of the ball more than others.

"Catch the ball"

For a mobile fun game "Catch the ball" children should be six or more. Players line up in a circle. The distance between them is about a meter. It is selected with the help of the counting lead, which comes out of this circle, stepping back. At the command the ball is transmitted inside the game circle, and the guide must at this time on its outer side run to the place where it previously stood. If the ball was there before, the game is repeated. If the driver has managed to reach before, then choose the next one.

"Master the ball"

For a mobile game "Grab the ball" you need, actually, the ball itself. Two participants kneel down, take up the rubber ball with both hands. His signal should be taken away from the opponent and raised up above his head. Fall on the floor, touch your hands opponent is prohibited! You can play this game by dividing into teams.

"The ball to a neighbor"

Players, except for the lead, selected by drawing or counting, into the circle become at a distance of half a meter. The leader of the circle leaves. Players to each other throw the ball, and leading, not entering the circle, to it should touch. You can throw the ball only to a nearby player. "Spot" the ball can be and flying, and in the hands of players. If this happened in the air, then the driver who threw the last ball should drive. If in hands, then leading is the one in whose hands the ball was "tarnished". The player who has the least lead was the one who won the mobile children's game "Ball neighbor".