How to make a diamond paper?

At first glance, the question sounds insanely. What does the paper and diamond have to do with it? - you ask. In fact, this handcraft looks great, it can be used to decorate anything, as well as for games - for example, your child wants to play a jeweler or a miner. But the most important thing is that this puzzle perfectly will train the brain and finger motility of both children and adults.

How to make a diamond out of paper

Make a diamond out of paper - it's not an easy task, we warn at once. It is rather difficult to develop, correctly calculate and draw a template for a diamond. But all this you will avoid, because there is already a ready-made scheme for a diamond made of paper.

Having it, the rest of the process will seem like a great deal to you. By the way, this paper diamond is a simplified version of Satoshi Kamiya - the Japanese art of origami , in which all the paper figures are simply masterpieces. This occupation, of course, requires not a lot of skill and perseverance.

But for now we will practice on what is simpler. And start with what we print and carefully cut out the diamond scheme, then - transfer it to colored paper. As a result, on paper, we will only have circuit outlines. Since we also need folding lines, it is necessary, be patient and carefully using a ruler, needle or pencil to transfer them to a future diamond.

Next, turn the layout and start bending over the marked lines. With the help of glue-pencil it is necessary to glue together first one leaf, then to it to paste the next and so on a circle, until the final product will not turn out.

Finished diamonds can be hung for attached to them thread on the New Year tree or simply decorate them with a room. And you can use them as boxes for small gifts - for example, very original in such a box will put a diamond ring.