Fruit diet for weight loss - the most effective options

There is nothing strange in that many women who follow their appearance sooner or later turn to a fruit diet, because we all know from childhood: fruits and berries are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals! Such food helps and lose weight, and improve the color and skin condition, increases immunity and even normalizes the work of the digestive tract.

What kind of fruit can you eat on a diet?

Not always the use of fruits in food positively affects our figure. If the goal of the diet is to lose excess weight, you need to know what fruits can be recovered, and which ones are allowed every day. It depends on two factors: the caloric content of the product and the sugar content in it. The fewest calories are: watermelon, grapefruit, orange, mandarin, strawberry, raspberry, apple, peach and apricot. In these fruits, up to 50 kcal in 100 g. The least amount of sugar in a plum, watermelon, papaya, blueberry, strawberry and raspberry. In them only up to 6 g of sugar in 100 g.

True, this does not mean that you need only to consume low-calorie and unsweetened fruits. Competent distribution of these products in your diet, replacing them with some other dishes will help you lose weight fast. There are also fruits that contribute to a set of excess weight. Records on caloric content and sugar content - bananas. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of dried fruits, there are fewer pears and grapes, since they are high in calories.

Fruit diet for weight loss

We do not always think about our body when we choose the method of losing weight . The result can be thin hair, constantly breaking nails, gray complexion and pimples, because the beauty of our body depends on what we eat. Fruit diet for weight loss, the menu of which you can choose yourself with personal preferences, is the most health-improving and effective. Fiber, contained in fruits, cleanses the body, vitamins and minerals make up for the lack of substances necessary for life. The result can be a weight loss of up to 5-6 kg.

Fruit diet for weight loss for 7 days

The seven-day fruit diet is moderately sparing and does not imply that all seven days you will eat exclusively fruits. The diet can include vegetables that do not contain starch, soups from these vegetables, low-fat dairy products, but 70-80% of the consumed food should be fruits and berries. Fruit diet for a week is a daily five meals, it is still necessary to drink about 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. These are water, green tea and freshly diluted juices. 20 minutes before eating, drink a glass of water.

Sample menu for one day:

  1. Breakfast : smoothies from strawberries and orange with the addition of natural yogurt.
  2. Snack : green apple.
  3. Lunch : soup of carrots, celery, onions and cauliflower.
  4. Afternoon snack : salad from orange, raspberry and kiwi.
  5. Dinner : baked apple and a glass of low-fat kefir.

Diet with sour fruits

There are also more severe regimes of nutrition with limited consumption of water. They last less - 3-4 days. Often these are mono-diets, when one fruit is eaten throughout the day or even the whole diet. The most popular of them are apple and grapefruit. If you are against such strict restrictions in food, it is worth trying to combine your menu from different acidic fruits. To make your personal fruit diet effective, use the table.

Sweet and sour fruit Sour fruit
Raspberries Orange
Strawberry Grapefruit
Apricot A pineapple
Peach Lemon
Strawberries Apple (acid varieties)
Blueberries Cherry
Mango Plum
Watermelon Blackberry

Fruit-Drinking Diet

This diet, in which a lot of emphasis is on water and freshly squeezed juices . With the help of a large amount of fluid improves metabolism, the body is cleansed of harmful toxins and toxins. Fruit diet, the menu of which consists only of ripe fruits, fresh juices, green tea and pure water, can last no more than 3-5 days. During this period, you need to drink about 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day.

Harm fruit diet

Before you start to adhere to dietary nutrition, it is important to understand whether such a diet is suitable for your body, because it directly affects your health. No matter how fruitful they are, in some diseases, such experiments with food are contraindicated. A particular danger for some category of people is a fruit-hard diet. It is necessary to observe the established time limits of such limited food so that the body does not suffer from a lack of useful substances that are not contained in fruits.

Do not use excessive amounts of fruits and berries: