Thin crispy brushwood - recipe

The branches are a very simple and tasty treat, familiar from childhood. Recipes for thin crunchy brushwood without vodka and with its addition are waiting for you below.

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In the bowl we break the eggs, pour in the sugar and whip well, add kefir, salt, soda and vegetable oil. First we sift the flour, and then add it to the rest of the ingredients. Stir well - the dough should turn out to be mild. We leave it for half an hour to rest, covering it with a towel. After that, divide it into 2 parts and thinly roll it out. Then cut it into small pieces, rectangles, and in the middle we make a small incision, through which we turn one end. Prepared products fry in hot oil. And to make the finished products less fat, after they are ready, we put them in a colander or paper towels. And then, through a strainer, we rub out the powdered sugar.

Thin crispy throat with vodka - recipe



First we drive eggs into the bowl, blend them lightly, add salt, and then vodka. Thanks to this ingredient, the dough will be crispy. And all the alcohol contained in it will evaporate when frying in deep fat, so it can be safely given to children. So, then pour about half a cup of flour and mix thoroughly. The remaining flour is not poured immediately, but gradually, while stirring the components. As a result of these actions, the dough will become quite elastic. We divide it into several parts, roll it out into strata and cut it into rectangles or rhombuses. Strongly large pieces do not worth it, because during cooking they will increase in volume. Fry these blanks better in the deep fryer. If there is no such device, then with this job, the saucepan or saucepan will also perfectly cope. Finished brushwood we lower in boiling oil and fry about 40 seconds. And after that we put it in a bowl and, through a strainer, we rub out the sugar powder, into which, if desired, you can add vanilla sugar.

Thin crunchy brushwood on milk - recipe



Eggs are broken into a bowl and thoroughly beaten with a mixer or blender. We add milk and continue to whisk. Then pour in the sugar, sifted flour and salt. We mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous thick dough. Spread it on the work surface, slightly pritrasiv her flour, and roll the dough into a thin layer. We divide it into rectangular pieces, we make on the center of the notch and through them we turn the edges. For frying products we need a deep thick-walled pan. In it we pour about 500 ml of vegetable oil and when it gets warm enough, we lower our blanks into it. When the brushwood gets a beautiful golden color, carefully take it out with a noise and spread it on paper napkins. When brushwood will cool slightly and dry, place it on a large flat dish with a slide and dust it with sugar powder.

Thin crispy brushwood without eggs - recipe



In the water, pour in vegetable oil, vodka and stir, gradually adding flour and kneading dough. We cover it and give it a quarter of an hour to rest. And then roll out a thin layer and cut into pieces of the desired shape and size. Carefully put them in boiling oil and fry until a pleasant rosy.