How to make a luminous liquid?

Are they fascinated by the spectacle of objects or liquids luminous in the dark in a glass? Do you want to know how to make a luminous liquid with your own hands? Well, I'll have to understand. Just remember that making a glowing liquid at home is not the simplest, and most importantly not very clean, so you will have to wash the dishes after the experiments.

How to make a luminous liquid with your own hands?

It is clear that the liquid glows in the dark for a reason, apparently some chemical processes are taking place. We will not go deeper into chemistry, we simply take it as a given that some substances in an acidic environment start to emit light. Therefore, in order for all the necessary to happen, it is necessary to prepare the necessary reagents. The recipe for a glowing liquid does not exist alone, so consider several ways to prepare it.

Method 1

You will need:


  1. Luminol powder is yellow, which in blue and neutral solutions starts to glow in blue. So it's not in vain that it is in the first place in the recipe, without luminol the experiment will not succeed. Pour water into the flask, dissolve in it luminol.
  2. Add hydrogen peroxide to the flask.
  3. There we send copper sulphate or ferric iron, or red blood salt. If there was neither one, nor another, nor the third, it is possible to do with improvised means. Squeeze a little blood from the chicken thigh, dilute it in water and add 1 tbsp. spoon of this solution to the mixture in a flask.
  4. Add the caustic soda to the flask.
  5. Turn off the light and admire the marvelous blue glow emanating from the bulb.
  6. If the blue color is not for you (there are such people), then add any fluorescent dye to the solution in the flask.

Method 2

You will need:


  1. We mix in the flask luminol, alkali and dimexide.
  2. Close the flask with a lid and shake it.
  3. There will be a glow of blue color, which can be repainted, adding to the composition of any fluorescent dye.
  4. If the glow is weakened, open the lid, let in a little air in the flask. And then the liquid began to emit light again.

Method 3

You will need:


  1. Pour a solution of detergent into the glass.
  2. There we also send hydrogen peroxide and luminol solution.
  3. Separately, we rub several crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and also send it to a glass.
  4. When you try to mix, the mixture will foam, and it will sparkle beautifully.

But, as already mentioned above, after all the experiments have to clean up at home and wash the dishes. But also this process can be made fascinating if you shade a room. Under the influence of chlorinated tap water, luminol solutions begin to glow.

How to make a phosphor?

How to make a luminous liquid is now understandable, but if someone wants to follow the path of a test chemist a little further, then you can try to make the phosphor yourself. To do this, we purchase in the pharmacy coniferous concentrate and boric acid. Dissolve 1 gram of coniferous concentrate in water. Take a spoon and put some boric acid on it. Add a solution of coniferous concentrate by drop in a spoon and gently mix it. We boil over the fire, until the solution boils in the spoon, bubbles pierce something sharp. Cool, add another solution and heat the compound again. It turns out a yellow substance - a phosphor. After being in the bright light (you can use a flash) will glow in the dark, but not for long, a few seconds.