How to weave a bracelet from beads?

Baubles, or bracelets from beads, were very popular about ten years ago. Most, having mastered weaving a simple bead bracelet for beginners, threw weaving. Today, in the heyday of hand maida, beadwork again becomes popular.

The most simple bead bracelets are two strands of bead necklaces, intertwined in various ways.

How to weave a bracelet from beads?

Light beaded bracelets can be created with a single line. In fact, they are beads strung on a fishing line, for example, alternating small and large beads, and do not require the ability to weave.

Learn how to weave from beaded bracelets is also not difficult. It is enough just to carefully read the description of the stages of weaving a simple bracelet:

  1. On a fishing line 1 meter long (no more) 4 beads are strung.
  2. The ends of the line are traced into the last bead criss-crosswise. The resulting cross is shifted to the middle of the line.
  3. At each end of the line, one bead is dressed, then the ends are crossed again in a third bead.
  4. Continues to weave to the required length, then fastens the fastener.

This way of weaving gives a lot of imagination: on the basis of this scheme you can make a huge number of completely different baubles.

Variants of a simple bead bracelet for beginners

If you have just started to master this technique, try to weave the simplest versions:

  1. After every two or three weave crosses, add a large, specially selected in the store metal bead square or oval, slightly flattened shape (in this case the line should not be crossed crosswise, but with one thread so that the bead hole goes on one line with weaving).
  2. A good bracelet on the leg can be obtained if from some beads, located in the bottom line of weaving, continue to separate the weaving (literally several joints) down. To finish off the branch is better than a bead, larger than beads, it will draw the entire thread of the weave.

Wide Beaded Bracelets

Broader bead bracelets are obtained if you complicate the technology of weaving and pick up beads of the same size, but two contrasting colors.

Stages of weaving a wide bracelet of beads:

  1. 4 strands of a fishing line of the necessary length (with a reserve) are selected.
  2. Fastened on the fastener.
  3. All 4 threads are threaded through 1 bead.
  4. Then the weave is divided into two sides by 2 threads. On each side string 3 beads, then weave on each side again divide. It turns out 4 separate threads.
  5. Two beads of the same color are typed on the internal threads, then they take the third bead and pass the ends of the line to it crosswise, then string the ends of the inner forks with one bead of the same color.
  6. On the external lines, four beads of another color are threaded, in the fifth line they cross the ends crosswise. It turns out that the weaving on the outer lines is, as it were, laid on top of the weaving of the inner woods.
  7. At the end of the weaving, the outer and inner threads are reconnected, in the reverse order to the one indicated in the third stage.
  8. As a result, we get a kind of spit from beads of different colors.

This "oblique" can be weaved like a bracelet from a small bead, and from larger beads. The only thing that is problematic in such a weaving is the use of beads of different sizes in the same bracelet. If in simple cases of weaving large contrasting beads only decorate the work, then adding such beads to the bracelet-braid can greatly distort the product.