Lingonberry, mashed with sugar

If the crop of cowberries allows you to make billets, an excellent option - cranberries , wiped with sugar, and the recipe can be changed, including fantasy.

Pantry of use and taste

If the farm has a large freezer (or a refrigerator with a capacious freezer), frozen lingonberries, rubbed with sugar - a recipe for you.



  1. Since the berries are not cooked to remove all the bacteria, we wash the cowberry first in cold water, then we pour water, heated to 80 degrees.
  2. The berry should dry (it is better to lay it in a thin layer on paper towels).
  3. The easiest way to make cranberries, wiped with sugar, is prepared in a blender. We put berries and sugar in portions and pee. Do not beat for too long, so that berry mousse does not turn out. Pairs of minutes are enough.
  4. Now we take small plastic boxes with tightly closed lids and fill them with mashed potatoes until the middle. We install it in the freezer and wait for the winter.
  5. Everybody likes cranberries, rubbed with sugar, and the recipe for the refrigerator allows you to make the most useful workpieces, but not at all handy plastic boxes. Instead, you can use dense plastic bags.
  6. We put one package in another, in each we pour in about 500 ml of berry puree, very tightly tie and put our bags lying in the freezer. In this form, cranberries, wiped with sugar for the winter, is stored up to six months.

If there is no freezer

We diversify tastes - cranberries with cranberries, wiped with sugar, much tastier.



  1. The berries are washed until the water is completely clean, letting them drain off and turning it into a gruel using wooden tokens.
  2. Warm it over low heat, in portions of 500 grams, adding sugar. We disturb continuously so that sugar does not burn.
  3. When the mixture boils, remove the foam and turn off. The mashed berries will cool down quickly enough, after that it is necessary to warm the mixture again to a boil.
  4. When the foam is removed, turn off again and let the mashed potatoes cool.
  5. At this time, you need to prepare jars: using baking soda, we wash them well, removing dirt and grease, rinsing under running water and sterilizing over boiling water, steaming.
  6. Heat the mashed potatoes for the third time, put them into jars and roll them up.
  7. If there is no cranberry, according to the same recipe, cranberries are prepared, wiped with sugar and orange, the recipe is different only because peeled oranges peeled through a meat grinder or grinded in a blender. Then we cook the same way. Well, the proportions of berries and fruits can be any - depends on the taste.