Anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen

As a rule, the belly more often than other parts of the body, upset woman. And in fact, the bulging belly spoils even a slim figure. One of the effective ways to combat an unpleasant orange peel in the problem area is anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen.

The benefits of anti-cellulite massage

Massage of the stomach does not necessarily have to be done by a specialist! Having mastered the basics of massage art, a wellness procedure can be performed daily at home. A particularly good result is achieved if the course of anti-cellulite vacuum massage of the abdomen is carried out.

Massage of the stomach contributes:

Thus, the massage procedure helps to get rid of fat deposits, while the skin acquires a noticeable elasticity and pleasant softness.

How to do anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen?

Having decided for yourself that anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen is necessary for you, we advise you to consider the following expert advice:

  1. Do not massage your stomach after eating.
  2. Before the procedure, you need to rub the skin with a towel moistened with warm water, lubricate the stomach with a moisturizer and apply a quality massage oil , best of all rosemary or orange.
  3. Allocate a massage every 15-20 minutes.
  4. It is necessary to apply classical methods of massage - rubbing, stroking, tingling, pressing and vibration, without exerting excessive force.
  5. Use massage in combination with other means of recovery - balanced nutrition, motor activity.

The technique of anti-cellulite massage of the abdomen is as follows:

  1. The skin is heated by circular movements of hands (first clockwise, then counterclockwise).
  2. It is necessary to stretch the skin, performing medium pressure.
  3. Stitched together, palms are made movements-rifts on the surface of the abdomen.
  4. Slightly pulling the sections with one hand, the second perform movements on the stretched skin, similar to cutting with a knife.
  5. Spread pats on the stomach with knuckles.
  6. Repeat the first movement.

For anti-cellulite massage of the stomach with cans small cans of glass, rubber or silicone can be used. Due to the created negative pressure, the blood flow increases, and the functions of the digestive system are significantly improved.