Mask with vitamin E for the face

Vitamin E is considered to be the main assistant in matters of skin hydration. If you want to delay the formation of wrinkles, then weekly it is necessary to carry out nourishing masks that will fill the skin with moisture. To do this, you can use a liquid form of vitamin E, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Mask of glycerol and vitamin E

Disputes about the benefits and harm of glycerin for the skin do not stop until now. Once this substance was considered an effective moisturizer, and it was always part of the creams for hands and face. However, when scientists conducted an additional analysis of the effect of glycerin on the retention of moisture in the skin, it was concluded that it could prove to be not only useful but also harmful.

The fact is that glycerin draws moisture either from the environment, or from the deep layers of the skin. That is why it is recommended to use it in a well-humidified room - a bath, a bath. If this rule is ignored, then glycerin will moisturize the skin, but gradually it will lead to its deep dehydration.

However, today there are a lot of refutations and confirmations of this information, and therefore categorically to refuse this means is not worth it.

Masks with vitamin E and glycerin must be done in a room with a high level of humidity - an ideal place and time - after taking a bath.

At 1 tablespoon. glycerin should be added 5 drops of vitamin E and apply the mixture on the face skin for 15 minutes.

Glycerin Face Mask with Vitamin E, Cream and Parsley Juice

If you add to the glycerin mask the first remedies for the fading skin - cream and parsley juice, this will make it even more effective. Parsley is known for its rejuvenating properties since ancient times, and modern beauticians recommend replenishing the diet with herbs for a beautiful complexion. At 1 tablespoon. glycerin should be added 1 tsp. juice of parsley and cream, as well as 5 drops of vitamin E.

Masks with vitamin E at home based on clay

Clay mask helps tighten the face oval, and therefore it is recommended to hold it several times a week to women who have signs of aging.


  1. At 1 tbsp white clay, you need to add 5 drops of vitamin E, as well as 1 tsp. Cucumber juice - for bleaching the skin.
  2. Kashitsu must be mixed with water in such a proportion that the creamy mass is obtained.
  3. After that, the mask should be applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Mask with vitamin E and egg white

Egg white is very useful for the skin, because it has a pulling action. For a mask you need:

  1. Separate 1 egg white from the yolk.
  2. Shake it, and mix with 5 drops of vitamin E.
  3. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Then moisturize the skin with extra virgin olive oil.