God Hades

God Hades is the ruler of the underworld of the ancient Greeks. He was considered the brother of Zeus and according to some sources, the eldest. Called Hades yet Hades. People were afraid to pronounce his name aloud, so they used other names, for example, "Invisible." There were many negative things associated with this god.

The history of the god of the underground kingdom of Hades

Despite the fact that this God was responsible for the kingdom of the dead, people did not see in him any evil features. Appearance of Hades was similar to Zeus. Represented him as an older man with a big beard. One of the main symbols of the god Hades was a helmet that gave him invisibility and the ability to penetrate into different places. It was a gift that the Cyclopes made him. Another non-replaceable attribute - two-tooth forks. Hades also had a scepter with the heads of three dogs, who were associated with Cerberus, guarding the entrance to the realm of the dead. Ancient Greek God Hades moved on a chariot drawn exclusively by black horses. Its element is the earth and ashes. As for the flowers that symbolize Aida - wild tulips. As a sacrifice to this god, they brought black bulls.

One of the significant events in the mythology of Ancient Greece is the war between the Titans and the gods. In a difficult struggle, the first to become Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. Then there was a separation of power by lot, resulting in Hades received the kingdom of the dead and power over the souls. The Greeks often portrayed the god Hades as a guard of the kingdom of the dead and a judge for every person. By the way, after a while the attitude towards him became more indulgent and Hades began to be represented as a god of wealth and abundance. In this case, in the images in his hands was a cornucopia in which there were different fruits or precious stones. To this conclusion, the Greeks came because the resurrected souls began to compare with the grain that is buried in the ground, and it sprouts and gives the person food. In addition, his wife Persephone, who was the goddess of fertility, played a significant role in this.

Despite the fact that the God of Ancient Greece Hades was tied to the realm of the dead, he spent time on earth and on Olympus. The most famous appearance was due to the fact that Hercules wounded him with his arrow, and Hades was forced to ask for help from other gods. Another significant case of the appearance of Hades on Olympus was associated with the abduction of Persephone, who later became his wife. Her mother, after the disappearance of her daughter, suffered very much and abandoned her work, and she answered for fertility. In the end, this led to serious consequences, as people were deprived of a crop. After that, Zeus decided that Persephone 2/3 years will be with his mother and only the rest of the time together with Hades.

According to some works of art and myths, the throne of the Greek god Hades was made of pure gold, and he was in the center of the main hall of the underworld. According to some sources, Hermes made it. Hades is always severe and adamant. No one dared to doubt his fairness, so decisions were considered law. Nearby was his wife, who was always sad, and the goddesses of suffering and tormented around her. In many pictures, Hades is depicted with his head backwards. This is because he never looks into the eyes, because they are dead. Despite the fact that Hades is the lord of the dead kingdom, he should not be compared with Satan. He is not an enemy of people or a tempter. The Greeks considered death a certain transition to another world, where Hades is the ruler. Souls in the dark realm pursued the spirit of death. Basically people went there not on their own. Although some voluntarily descended to Hades to meet with him, for example, it was one of Psyche's heroic assignments.