Varenets and ryazhenka - differences

The secret of the success of these dairy products is a special taste and aroma, strongly resembling those of baked milk . Despite the similar taste, color and aroma, there are differences between varenets and fermented biscuits, and we will discuss each of them in this material.

What distinguishes varenets from ryazhenka?

The main difference between a fermented woman and a varenze is the technology of cooking. Despite the fact that both products were prepared in the oven, the cooking time and some of its stages had a noticeable difference.

How to make a fermented woman?

  1. For ryazhenka bottled milk was placed in a preheated oven and left in it for 5-6 hours. At the same time, the cooking temperature should not exceed 100 degrees, because it is at this temperature that proteins are split up to the stage that is most beneficial for the organism and positively affects the taste of the product.
  2. For such a long time, milk had time to evaporate, becoming thicker and more fragrant. After a long baking, the contents of clay pots were cooled and filled with sour cream .
  3. Further fermented baked in heat for ripening already being spread out on clay forms of smaller size.

How to make varenets?

  1. According to a similar technology is prepared and varenets. For him, milk in clay pots mixed with cream and sent to the oven, but at a temperature of up to 120 degrees.
  2. Milk heated gradually, and therefore not boiled, but covered with a dense golden crust, through which still could evaporate excess fluid.
  3. Unlike the ryazhenka, they warmed the warm varenish with useful sour-milk bacteria obtained from curdled milk, and then placed the product not in heat, but in the cool, for about a quarter of a day.

About nuances

What is the main difference between varents and ryazhenka, we figured out, and now to the nuances:

  1. Firstly, the burger has a much more pronounced flavor of melted milk, as well as a higher fat content due to the addition of sour cream at the end of cooking.
  2. Secondly, in modern production of fermented fermented fermented with special fungi, and varenets - bacteria.

About the benefits

If you are interested in what is more useful: varenets or ryazhenka, the answer depends on what goals you pursue with the use of these dairy products. Modern ryazhenka and varenets are equally flavored with microorganisms useful for the gastrointestinal tract, however, within the framework of a lower calorie diet, it is worth giving preference to the varenet, since its fat content is lower.