How correctly to extinguish meat?

Stew of even older animals can turn tender and soft. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in such a preparation. But for a ready-made dish to turn out really tasty, you need to know some of the nuances and subtleties that we are now sharing.

For extinguishing, most often use those parts of meat that are not suitable for frying - meat of old animals, with veins, hard. If you just fry it, then this meat will be dry and tasteless, but for extinguishing it is perfect.

So, first wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel. Then cut it into slices, finely cut it is not necessary, the pieces should be large enough. If the meat is too hard, it can be soaked for a while in milk, and then dried. Before extinguishing the meat is recommended to fry in a heated frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. This is done so that the resulting crust does not release juice from the inside.

How to extinguish meat in a saucepan?

After the meat is fried, you can put it in a pan, preferably, it should be with a thick bottom. In principle, in such a container you can immediately and fry the meat, without using a frying pan. Now pour so much water that the pieces were covered with it. Too much liquid is not worth pouring - we still stew the meat, but do not cook. Add salt, bay leaf, bell pepper to taste. When the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and stew until ready.

How much to extinguish meat?

This question can not be given an unambiguous answer. If it's pork, then it will cook faster, and if it's beef, it will take longer to extinguish it. Readiness can only be determined by the trial method. Once the meat has become soft, you can turn it off - it's ready.

How to extinguish a chicken?

For extinguishing it is better to use thighs or a whole chicken, cut into small portions. First these pieces are rubbed with salt and pepper and fried, and then stewed in a saucepan with spices. Liquids add so much that the whole chicken was covered with it. Very delicious turns chicken, stewed in sour cream. When the water in the saucepan boils, just add more sour cream and stew for 15-20 minutes. On average, 1 kg of chicken will be about 200 g of sour cream.

How to extinguish pork meat?

For extinguishing is best suited to the neck or shoulder blade. Before you cook meat, it can be pre-marinated in your favorite spices, you can use and just salt with pepper. Then the meat is fried on high heat until the crust is formed, after which the fire is reduced to a minimum, pour a little water. If the meat is not too hard, and it is known that it will cook quickly enough, then too much water is not worth pouring. If necessary, you can add some more water during cooking. Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer on a small fire until cooked. If desired, in the middle of the quenching process, you can add onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, beans. More details about the recipe can be found in the article "Pork with beans" . Well, if you want to extinguish unusual meat, then the material "Braised venison" is for you!