Carnation - useful properties

Spicy buds of cloves have long been used in the preparation of fragrant dishes, sauces and drinks. However, very few people know that this product has amazing qualities for maintaining health, restoring vitality and tone. Let us consider in detail the benefits and possible harm of cloves, as well as the ways of using it in medicine.

Useful properties and contraindications to carnations

All the positive effects of spice are concentrated in the essential oil contained in buds - eugenol. This substance also gives the carnation a recognizable scent.

Carnation oil has the following properties:

Useful properties of carnation essential oil make it possible to use it for the treatment and prevention of angina, chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Despite a lot of positive effects, the use of cloves has contraindications. Among them, early childhood - up to 2 years, pregnancy and lactation. Also it is undesirable to be treated with a clove in hypertension, ulcerous diseases of the digestive system, increased acidity of the gastric juice.

Useful properties of cloves as spices

Even without serious health problems, it is worth paying attention to clove buds. After all, they contain a sufficient amount of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, a complex of micro-and microelements for the normal functioning of the whole organism. Thus, the healing properties of spicy cloves will be protected daily from viruses and bacteria, parasite infestation, and also contribute to strengthening the immune system .

Moreover, spicy buds perfectly cope with bad breath, kill pathogens in the mouth and help maintain the microflora of the mucous in the norm.

Useful properties of tea with cloves

Drinks with cloves can be prepared according to various recipes:

Method 1 . Boil in a portion of water, for example, in 150 ml, 1 bud of cloves and a small piece of fresh ginger root. After boiling, add a teaspoon of black tea to the water, cover the dishes with a lid and give the drink a brew. Strain, add warm milk.

This tea is remarkably helpful in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, relieves hiccups.

Method 2 . Pour hot water with a stick of cinnamon and let it brew. After 10 minutes add to the water with cinnamon 2-3 cloves bud, half a teaspoon of orange peel. Dissolve the resulting solution with freshly brewed black tea in the same proportions. This drink is good for eating with honey, especially in the cold season. Clove tea perfectly warms and strengthens the immune system.

Method 3 . Brew strong black tea. Prepare syrup from sugar, water and lemon juice. To do this, in 200 ml of hot water you need to dissolve 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar and add the juice of 1 lemon. Mix the syrup with the tea, add to the drink 2 buds of cloves, let it brew.

Tea can be consumed daily. It provides the body with a sufficient portion of vitamins and microelements, increases vitality.