When do you need to process tomatoes from phytophthora?

As soon as the spring sun warms, all truck farmers immediately rush to their plots to do vegetable growing. Prepare seeds, beds, make a disinfection of the greenhouse , grow seedlings. And everyone, of course, will plant tomatoes. As without them, because without a tomato can not do any feast.

But darkening the cultivation of tomatoes all known disease - phytophthora. This is a fungal disease of all solanaceous cultures, which generally progresses when the weather is cloudy, cool and damp. We will try to help you avoid such trouble.

The first signs of phytophthora on tomatoes

The first signs of phytophthora can be formed dark spots on the back of the leaves. If nothing is done about it, the leaves will start to burn, dry and fall off. The stems of the plant and the fruits themselves will also become covered with dark spots. And many novice gardeners immediately raise the question: when to start to process tomatoes from phytophthora?

The first treatment of tomato from phytophthora should be done when the fungus has not yet manifested itself. This should be done in quiet and not wet weather. After you have done the prevention, make top dressing of your tomatoes with any drugs that serve to strengthen the immunity of plants. This will give a good result, because, the stronger the plant, the more difficult it is for the late blight to affect it.

How often to process tomatoes from phytophthora?

How many times to process tomatoes from phytophthora chemicals, completely depends on the weather. If the summer season is rainy, then you will have to spray about five times in the entire period.

But it is worth remembering, treatment with chemicals is only allowed when tomatoes are still quite immature. If you notice even the slightest signs of a tomato ripening, do not treat them with chemistry in any way. In this case, ash or soap with copper sulfate will come to your aid.

Than to process tomatoes from late blight?

From this fungus, a lot of preparations of chemical origin are sold in stores, but we offer you some "folk medicine" means:

  1. Infusion of onion and garlic. Take a hundred grams of garlic and onions, cut, pour a bucket of water and put in a dark place for a day. Then start spraying.
  2. A good way in the fight against phytophthora is kefir or yogurt. Milk infusion can be prepared by diluting 100 grams of milk in 1 liter of water and adding five drops of iodine.
  3. The ash . Still, planting seedlings, many put in each hole for a handful of ashes. This contributes to the fertilizing of the plant, and the prevention of late blight. Also, the ash solution is processed by tomato bushes.
  4. Copper . Experienced horticulturists not only cultivate their plantations with copper sulfate, but also tie them to a copper wire, or put a copper plate under each bush.