Pruning raspberry raspberry for the winter

Who among us does not like raspberries - sweet, fragrant and very useful berry! Probably, there is not a single gardener who does not grow these prickly bushes on his site. Breeders were bred many varieties of this plant, among which there is a patch raspberry. Its distinctive feature is that berries of such varieties ripen not only on biennial, but also on young shoots.

Of course, everyone wants to collect raspberries twice a season. However, the harvest of the berries will be mediocre. But with a single collection of raspberry berries will be excellent, and fruiting bushes - plentiful. To achieve this, it is necessary to observe certain conditions for growing the planting, care and reproduction of the repair raspberry. Let's find out how to trim the repair raspberry in the autumn and take care of it.

Features of care for raspberry raspberry

The best time for planting raspberries is the end of September - the beginning of October. If you hurry and plant the seedlings before this time, raspberries may not settle down, because at this time its root system is not yet ready for a transplant.

Since the roots of raspberries are located at the surface of the earth, it is not worth loosening the ground under the bushes, it is better to wallow it . Raspberry is a moisture-loving plant, so watering it should be regular, especially during fruiting. To get a good harvest, raspberries thrice during the season should be fed. The first time this should be done with a complex fertilizer in the spring, after the earth has thawed. Then - before the raspberry blossoms, and the third time - in the fall, when the harvest is already harvested.

Repaired raspberry - pruning

In ordinary raspberries, berries ripen on two-year-old shoots, and in repairing raspberries also on annuals. During one season bushes of repair raspberry spend a lot of effort on ripening of berries of the first harvest, and also on the formation of appendages for ripening the second one. Therefore, specialists developed a special technology for the autumn pruning of repair raspberry.

If you planted raspberries in autumn, then by the summer of the seedlings young shoots will begin to grow, which by July will be covered with flowers, and in August they will give the first harvest. After all the berries are collected, annual shoots should be completely cut, leaving a part of the stem above the ground about 3 cm high.

Such pruning raspberry raspberry for the winter will provide a rich harvest for the next summer-autumn season. In addition, in the case of a snow-less winter, the plants can be easily insulated, for example, with straw. In addition, pruning will protect raspberries from damage by various diseases and parasites that hibernate on uncut shoots of plants.

In the spring of next year, during the swelling of the kidneys, you should inspect the planting of raspberries and sanitize: remove dried, sick and frozen parts of plants until the first healthy kidney. Experienced gardeners are advised in May to pinch the tips of shoots, which will push the beginning of fruiting to a later period, but the berries will mature gradually, all summer.

Sometimes some gardeners do not spend a total autumn pruning of patched raspberry, but leave some of the shoots uncircumcised. In the next year, the plants will be low, and the repair of raspberries may be lost. In addition, such bushes for the winter will need to be tied up and covered to avoid freezing. There are varieties of patched raspberry, berries on which ripen on last year's shoots, and not on young ones. In this case, shoots can also not be cut off, and in winter they should be protected from frost.

Depending on the region of cultivation, it is possible, and sometimes even desirable, not to cut off the raspberry raspberry, but spring. This is especially true of the northern regions: uncut shoots will better keep snow on the plants in winter. Spring pruning of raspberries will stimulate the rapid growth of shoots of repairing raspberries, which means that the harvest of berries will be abundant.

As you can see, there are several terms when you need to trim a repair raspberry, and which one to use is up to you.