Tips for parents of first-graders

At the age of 6-7 years the child starts a new and difficult period in his life - study. Of course, at first the children look forward to the time when they first cross the threshold of the school. However, as parents usually notice later, the child may have difficulties both with training activities and with the relations in the classroom. And it is in the power of mothers and dads to help your beloved child that the school is not for him a punishment. That's why we'll tell you what it takes to know the parents of first-graders to help your child with the difficulties associated with the school.

Tips for parents of future first graders

Giving the baby to the first class, parents should realize that children are the hardest. First-graders experience great psychological stress. After all, their life undergoes colossal changes: a teacher appears who makes certain demands, a new collective, and a new activity that is not always pleasant. It's not surprising that the crumb gets tired quickly. In addition, at home, the child needs to do homework. And if parents demand from the child overestimated results, study is perceived as a heavy duty. To avoid this and help the baby, take into consideration the advice of a psychologist to the parents of first-graders:

  1. Not only should the children be ready for school, but parents should be prepared for the fact that their child will go to school. Once you decide to send your child to school, do not give up and do not doubt.
  2. Make a first-grader a clear schedule for the day and follow it. After school, give the child a few hours free for their games, preferably in the fresh air. And then do homework, not postponing it for the evening, when the concentration and perception of the new decreases. The best time for classes is 16-17 hours.
  3. Give the child to show their independence, but always be close. Such recommendations to parents of future first-graders mean that when doing homework, you can not do lessons for a child or stand with him, as they say, over your soul. Allow him to solve problems himself. But when you turn to you for help, be sure to help the crumb. Be patient and calm!

Recommendations for parents on the adaptation of first-graders

To overcome the adaptation period, parents should create a favorable environment at home. For this:

  1. Send the child to school and meet with a good mood. In the morning, be sure to feed the child with breakfast and wish him a good day. Do not read the notation at all. And when the first-grader returns, do not ask first thing about assessments and behavior. Let him relax and rest.
  2. Do not require much from the child. Your first-grader may not immediately get something done with studies. Do not expect results from him, like a child prodigy. Do not shout at him, do not scold him because of mistakes and failures. He must get used to his new role as a pupil. Later he will necessarily get it.
  3. Always give your support. Be sure to praise the first-grader for the slightest success. Listen to his stories about lessons, relationships with classmates. Help to collect a portfolio, prepare a school uniform.
  4. Make sure that the child does not have overloads - one of the important tips for parents of first-graders. Permanent overfatigue will lead to health problems and a deterioration in schooling. It is better to wait while with the circles or sections. Be sure to give the child a rest after a "work day", but not in front of a computer or television, but with toys or on the street. If the baby wants to sleep, give him this opportunity.
  5. If you do not get along with your classmates, arrange a children's party at home. Inviting the whole class to their native territory, the child will feel freer and will be able to express himself more actively.
  6. "Teacher is bad!" If the child has a negative attitude towards his teacher, parents should necessarily hold a conversation in the presence of three parties (the parent, student and teacher) and find out the relationship in the correct form. After all, the child will have to work with this person for 3 more years!

We hope that the above recommendations to the parents of first-graders will help you overcome the stress of the child, and he will be happy to go to his native school.