How to remove the cuticle?

Previously, the only way to make the nails neat and well-groomed trimmed manicure. Now there are not only new tools and caring tools, but also safer options for removing the cuticle. Every year they become more popular, and a significant number of women already prefer a "European" or dry manicure.

How correctly and why remove the cuticle?

Considered a layer of thin skin, growing at the base of the nail plates, is designed to protect them from infection and damage.

In fact, it is not necessary to remove the cuticle, given its functions. However, an excessive amount of this peel can provoke the formation of burrs , deform the nail and slow its growth. In addition, noticeable cuticles look unaesthetic and spoil the overall impression of manicure.

The only compromise in this situation is not complete, but partial removal of the skin, so that it looks neat and well-groomed, and at the same time continues to protect the nail.

How to remove the cuticle apparatus?

Having a device for a hardware manicure, getting rid of nails on the nail plates is extremely simple. It is enough to have only 2 nozzles - medium and small diameter. The first will remove the free edge of the cuticle, and the second will provide a fine treatment of the nail roller.

You do not need to separate your fingers before the hardware manicure, just disinfect them.

How to remove the cuticle from the nails with trimmed manicure?

Perfectionists still prefer only complete removal of the cuticles, as circumcision of the skin allows you to quickly achieve the ideal result and slightly extend the nail plate.

For the manicure in question, you must first move and raise the cuticle with a special scapula, then cut them with sharp scissors or nippers along the edge of the nail roller.

Before you start, you will need not only disinfection, but also steaming your fingers to soften skin and facilitate its elimination, avoiding mechanical damage.

How to remove the cuticle without circumcision?

European manicure is considered the most sparing and safe option for nail care. Its implementation is carried out in 2 stages. First, a special acidic agent is applied to the cuticle, which softens it and partially dissolves it. After that, the free edge of the peel is moved away with an orange stick.

As in the case of hardware manicure, the procedure requires only disinfection.