Choleric and choleric - compatibility

Why is it so easy for us to cooperate with some people and it's so hard to agree on something with others? There are many reasons for this, and one of them is the degree of coexistence of different types of temperament. If you recall the hot temper of a choleric person, his compatibility with another choleric, sanguine, melancholic and even phlegmatic is not very good, but nevertheless, a lot of bright and energetic people live in a happy marriage. Let's see how things really are with the livelihood of representatives of the most explosive nature .

Compatibility of choleric and choleric

A real grenade without a check in human form, the choleric does not leave anyone indifferent. Some people admire his activity, others are furious with his desire to keep abreast of all matters. At work such a person, like a whirlwind sweeps all obstacles on the way and inexorably moves forward, fascinating colleagues with his fervor. At home, he is also energetic and even after a busy day of work he can stun his family with a sudden pressure, having simultaneously told about all the news, praising dinner, eating it and viewing several information sites. Such an active character has little to taste, live on a volcano is complicated, and the compatibility of the choleric and choleric looks and at all implausible. Psychologists actively agree with this, predicting explosive couples constant quarrels and scandals on any occasion. And worst of all is the incredible love of the choleric to talk and the absolute reluctance to listen to a partner.

Choleric and other types of temperament

Hardly less difficult will be the relationship of choleric and sanguine, they can not boast of particularly high compatibility rates. Such a couple will have a very bright novel, emotions here will be the key. Most often this will happen because of constant competition for the palm tree.

The compatibility of melancholic and choleric leaves too much to be desired, one is too vulnerable, and the other is too hot-tempered. As a result, the choleric will constantly offend the melancholic, although he himself does not want it.

But the union of phlegmatic and choleric promises to be ideal, in this pair harmony will reign in all spheres of life. A calm and measured phlegmatic will somewhat cool down the temper of the choleric, making it more suitable for communication . A choleric will help his less determined partner to take important steps in life that without his influence would hardly have been made.