How to remove a magnet from clothes?

Anti-theft sensors are used in many stores. Stuck is a good one and it helped to catch many too cunning at the hands of buyers. But sometimes with these devices there are unpleasant incidents, when in a hurry the sellers in the store forgot to remove the magnet, but at the output it does not work and the person goes home with an unnecessary tag. Well, if the trading establishment is nearby, and you have the opportunity to present a check, so that the seller without any problems removed this piece from his clothes. And what to do then, when the purchase was made on a business trip, during a trip to visit, in general, in another distant city? We give here several methods at once, which do not require the skills of an experienced fitter.

How to remove the magazine magnet?

Method using gum

  1. First, put things in the refrigerator, so that the marker is well frozen and does not stain the goods.
  2. You need to manage between your purchase and a magnet to put on an elastic band.
  3. Rotating the tag in different directions, we make sure that it penetrates deeper between the constituent parts of the magnet.
  4. Slowly continue the rotational movement further, starting to pull the halves of the tag in different directions until this piece breaks up into two separate parts.
  5. You can help yourself with pliers, but in any case, at first, the tag is frozen a little.
  6. When you notice that the body has collapsed, carefully remove the magnet with your hands.

How to remove a magnet from a purchased item using another strong magnet?

  1. It is best to find a powerful magnet that is placed in the hard drive. The main thing is that he can influence his fellow who is located in the tag.
  2. We bring it to our problematic thing, and it must be demagnetized.
  3. If everything is done correctly, now the tag will be removed without problems.

Radical destruction of the body of the tag

  1. We make a small hole.
  2. We begin to quietly rip open the case, trying not to be injured by a knife or a screwdriver.
  3. When you reach the button, pull it out, and the magnet breaks up into its parts.
  4. At the end, you can consider the device in detail, so that the next time you disassemble the tag was easier.

Cut the tip of the magnet

  1. We will need a sharp knife or a hacksaw blade for work, as well as a tag that we take in our left hand.
  2. Find a suitable sharp tool and begin to cut it.
  3. Carefully detach the tip and pull out the contents of the magnet.

Melt body melting

  1. If you forgot to remove the magnet from your clothes, but there is nothing sharp and strong under your hands, then use a candle.
  2. The main thing in this business is to make a burn and not burn a hole in your purchase.
  3. When a large hole is formed in the body, try to dig out the contents of the magnet from there.
  4. We remove all parts and disconnect the tag into halves.

Burning a tag using a gas cooker

  1. The method is similar to what we did with a candle, only now we will use a more modern and more convenient tool.
  2. If the body is heated enough, it will even light up. Therefore, perform this operation in some safe place.
  3. When it will be possible to burn a normal hole, put the lighter aside and continue working with a thin screwdriver.
  4. We fuse the "stuffing" of the magnet and pull it out with pliers.
  5. If something does not succumb, then you can burn a lighter with a lighter and continue working.
  6. We take out all spare parts from the case and remove the tag.

You see that the options for removing the magnet from the clothes are great. You need only desire and the simplest tool. All of the above manipulations are simple. We have given those methods that even women or adolescents are able to apply.