How to start repairing the kitchen?

The kitchen is probably the most important place in the house. Especially for women, because many of them spend most of their lives there. But this is not only a place for cooking, but also a territory for family communication, and in many homes also for the reception of guests. Therefore, the repair of this room should be approached with particular seriousness, so that it becomes comfortable, cozy and functional.

Tips for repairing the kitchen

In order for the kitchen to meet all your requirements after the repair, please the eye and was convenient in operation, it is necessary to choose the right furniture, materials and colors. A help in this compilation of a sketch, drawing or drawing, which in its content should satisfy all your requests. At this stage, you should answer yourself to some questions:

  1. Should I invite specially trained people to do some work or do all the repairs myself?
  2. Budget or design renovation of the kitchen is planned?
  3. Which zones should it be divided into?
  4. Where should you plan to install sockets?
  5. Where should lights be located?
  6. Where will the furniture be placed (especially the sink, gas stove, dishwasher and washing machine)?
  7. Do I need to change windows and doors?

At the next stage of the design, you need to decide what materials should be used to repair the kitchen and how many. Of course, with these calculations, the professionals will do the best, but if you plan to do it yourself, then do not forget to store shop checks for purchased materials. With them, you can always return or change the purchased goods.

The most optimal options for decorating the ceiling in the kitchen are:

As for the kitchen walls, they can be pasted with non-woven or fiberglass paint for painting . And the area in the area of ​​the working surface should be finished with tiles, as this is the most polluted part of the wall in the kitchen.

The best flooring for the kitchen is ceramic tile or granite, because it is easiest to take care of these materials, and they are very durable in use. A cheaper material for the floor can be a laminate or linoleum. In addition, the materials can be combined. For example, in a zone of a plate and a sink to lay a tile a tile, and in a dining room a laminate floor . It is also necessary to decide which areas need waterproofing - most often a sink, washing machine and dishwasher.

The next stage is directly repair. But before the repair begins, you must dismantle the old finish and communications. It does not matter who will do the repairs, builders or you yourself, but it is necessary to adhere to the recommended sequence: wiring, water and sewage, and only then finishing the room. At the same time, the finishing works are carried out from the top down, that is, first the ceiling, then the walls and the floor. Exceptions are situations where the ceiling is planned to be tensioned. In this case, it is mounted in the last place.

And the cosmetic repair of the kitchen is completed by mounting lamps, sockets and switches, installing furniture, connecting water and sewage to the mixers and machines, as well as gas to the stove and oven. And at the very end you need to hang bright and stylish accessories that will serve as a decoration for your kitchen, arrange flowerpots with flowers, dishes, hang curtains and then you can enjoy the results of your work.