Staphylococcal infection - how to avoid formidable complications?

Skin covers and mucous membranes of human organs are inhabited by different representatives of microflora. Staphylococci belong to the group of conditionally pathogenic bacteria. With the normal functioning of immunity, they support the biocenotic balance, and against the background of disturbances in the work of the protective system, the development of infections and inflammations provokes.

Staphylococcus - Species

The described group of microbes numbers more than 30 types, but only a few of them are dangerous for human health. The main pathogens of staphylococcal infections:

Staphylococcus aureus

This kind of bacterium is considered the most pathogenic, it is called golden because of its ability to form an appropriate pigmentation. Such a staphylococcal infection can provoke severe purulent inflammation of the practical in all tissues and organs of man. A distinctive feature of this type of microbial is the production of coagulase - an enzyme that causes active coagulation of blood plasma.

Methylcin-resistant or hospital staphylococcal infection is one of the most complex pathologies in terms of treatment. This form of S. aureus is resistant to a group of beta-lactam antibiotics, including cephalosporins (even the latest generation) and penicillins. This type of microbes unites several strains, which are prevalent mainly in medical institutions.

Epidermal staphylococcus aureus

This type of bacteria is present on the skin and mucous membranes of the human body. With a good state of health, he does not manifest himself at all, entering the normal microflora. Staphylococcus on the skin is activated due to deterioration of the work of immunity and the presence of external infections. Epidermal microbes begin to multiply rapidly and colonize tissues, provoking:

Hemolytic Staphylococcus aureus

The bacterial species described is often diagnosed. Normally, S. haemolyticus can be present in small amounts on the skin, mucous membranes and epithelium, so sometimes the source of staphylococcal infection is its own organism. Against the background of a decrease in the activity of the immune system and infection with viruses, conditionally pathogenic microbes multiply and provoke purulent inflammatory processes. Hemolytic staphylococcal infection can cause the following problems:

Saprophytic Staphylococcus aureus

This type of microorganism is considered to be the most "peaceful" type, because it provokes minimal lesions and rarely leads to complications. More common saprophyte staphylococcus in women, it lives on the mucous membranes and skin of the genitals, is present in the urethra. It can cause:

Causes of Staphylococcal Infection

The activation of the pathogenic properties of the bacteria under consideration is often due to a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system. There are other ways, how the staphylococcal infection is transmitted:

Staphylococcal transmission routes include the following options:

The following factors contribute to the emergence and development of staphylococcal infection:

Staphylococcal infection - symptoms

For this group of diseases, there is a diverse clinical picture, it depends on the degree and localization of the lesion. There are signs that accompany any staphylococcus - symptoms of a general nature:

Staphylococcal infection in the nose

When multiplying pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, a severe runny nose is observed. Sputum released from the nose is very thick, has an unpleasant putrefactive odor and yellow-green color. It is difficult for the patient to breathe and it is difficult to blow his nose without using vasodilating drops. If you do not start timely therapy, staphylococcus in the nose will quickly multiply and spread to nearby areas. Microbes fall into the throat, bronchi and lungs, provoking purulent inflammatory processes.

Staphylococcal infection in the throat

When this bacterium affects the pharyngeal epithelium, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and similar pathologies are diagnosed. Staphylococcus in the throat is manifested in the form of a purulent deposit on the tonsils, accompanied by the formation of large inflammatory elements (the size of a pinhead) of white or yellowish color. Without adequate treatment, such an angina rapidly progresses and can cause dangerous complications, for example, kidney diseases - glomerulo- and pyelonephritis. Other signs of staphylococcal infection in the pharynx:

Staphylococcal infection on the skin

The microbes of the described group provoke specific lesions of the epidermis. Staphylococcal infection on the face is a multiple subcutaneous inflammation, which is painful to touch, especially if the pus has no outlet to the outside. Over time, on the spot of such acne there are dark pigment spots and deep scars. Staphylococcal infection can affect other areas of the skin, causing formation:

Staphylococcal enteric infection

Progression of these bacteria in the digestive tract leads to marked dyspepsia. If staphylococcus reproduces in the intestine, colitis, enteritis and similar diseases are diagnosed, the following symptoms occur:

How to identify staphylococcal infection?

The listed clinical signs are not specific, they are also characteristic of other microbial lesions, for example, a similar pattern is observed when a streptococcal infection occurs. Differential diagnosis of staphylococcal infection is carried out through serological or bacteriological methods of laboratory research.

In the first case, blood is collected and its enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is performed for staphylococcus aureus. The proteins of this microorganism penetrate into the serum of the biological fluid. The second way is to study the material from a purulent focus. It helps to detect staphylococcus in a smear from the nose, throat, vagina and other areas. For analysis, purulent masses from subcutaneous inflammations, boils and abscesses are suitable.

Treatment of staphylococcal infection

Therapy of any kind of bacterial inflammation should be complex. The choice of methods for treating staphylococcus aureus depends on the severity of the disease, its location and the resistance of the microbes to the medicines. With isolated forms of infection, you can cope at home under the guidance of a doctor. Generalized types of pathology assume emergency hospitalization because of the risk of complications dangerous for health and life.

There are several important measures to eliminate staphylococcus - treatment includes:

Preparations for the treatment of staphylococcal infection

Antimicrobial agents with a wide spectrum of action are the basic medicines in the complex therapy of the disease. Recommended local and systemic antibiotics for staphylococcal infection:

The main problem of modern treatment of the described disease - staphylococcal infection is resistant to many antimicrobial drugs. Some strains not only developed resistance to potent drugs, but also "learned" to transmit it to the next generation of pathogenic microorganisms. For this reason, it is important to take only those antibiotics that are prescribed by a specialist on the basis of serological or bacteriological laboratory tests.

An alternative to antimicrobial agents are:

These drugs are effective only for certain types of microbes. They should not be selected independently, especially if a staphylococcal acute infection with several purulent inflammatory foci is assumed. Such medications help to cope only with isolated forms of the disease, and are useless in generalized lesions.

Staphylococcal infection - treatment with folk remedies

In alternative medicine, many recipes are offered for the therapy of the considered bacterial defeat. Making a choice than treating a staph infection, it is important to get a consultation with a qualified doctor in advance. Folk remedies do not help to get rid of pathology completely. They are recommended for use as an additional symptomatic, antiseptic or immunostimulatory therapy.

Antimicrobial herbal tea


Preparation, application

  1. Mix dry vegetable raw materials, rinse.
  2. Pour comfrey and burdock with boiling water.
  3. Strain the device for 15 minutes in a sealed container.
  4. Cool and strain the tea.
  5. Drink 3 times a day until steady improvement of the condition.

Collection from staphylococcal infection


Preparation, application

  1. All herbs are mixed and crushed thoroughly.
  2. Place 2 tbsp. Spoon collection in a thermos and pour boiling water.
  3. Insist the medication is 8.5-10 hours.
  4. Strain agent.
  5. Take 0.5 glasses of medication 3 times daily before meals.
  6. Continue therapy for 3 months.

Universal antiseptic broth


Preparation, application

  1. Rinse and grind vegetable raw materials.
  2. Put the leaves in a clean linen bag.
  3. For 10-15 seconds, immerse it in boiling water.
  4. Cool the solution.
  5. Drink a remedy at any time instead of water and tea.
  6. Continue to drink for 10 days.
  7. At the same time, use the resulting liquid to wash the affected mucous membranes, rinse throat and nose, wash out or other manipulations.

With external forms of staphylococcal infection, it is recommended that the following products be applied to suppurative surfaces: