How to find yourself in life and become what you are intended from above?

A mature person sometimes lives for decades, without thinking about its purpose. Having in their hands the tools for solving the problem of how to find oneself in life, they often fold before the first difficult situation. They are driven by fear of a new stage of self-development - and one who learns to overcome it, can consider himself a truly successful person.

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

The desire to change the existing state of things does not arise from scratch. It is always connected with the desire to go beyond the bored psychological barrier - age, professional or family. Signs of the fact that it's time to learn how to find your way of life can be:

How to find yourself in life - psychology

There is no person who does not know in the depths of his soul the answer to the question of how to find oneself in life. Children, with their inherent spontaneity, share with all dreams of the future, because they are not afraid of reaction. Adults try to hide from prying eyes hide real desires, because they do not have the courage to follow them and find themselves. Frightens its own negative experience and fears do not justify the expectations. For example, the success of a businessman depends entirely on whether he is willing to take risks and how much. Many lucrative ideas were not destined to be realized just because of this fear.

How to find a goal in life?

While the vital meaning is an abstract collective category, which includes a mixture of expectations on the working and loving front, the goal becomes a real guide to a concrete achievement. For a number of reasons, setting a goal in life is more profitable than trying to understand its essence:

  1. It is feasible in the near future. The ways to find oneself in life represent a hierarchy of values ​​of a person, most of which he is unlikely to achieve. The goal has little to do with reasoning about the meaning of being: it is aimed at realizing the conceived prospects;
  2. She organizes the life of a person. Wanting to achieve wealth, power or love, the person mobilizes all his mental and physical abilities. She becomes self-confident, productive and inventive;
  3. It changes the character for the better. The appearance of the goal turns a person into an optimist, ready to deal with difficulties. The very planning of future success is a trait that testifies to the leadership temperament.

How to find your way in life?

Character is laid in childhood: its development continues under the influence of a lot of factors - family and social. The value for weakening or highlighting some traits plays a level of prosperity, moral values ​​of parents and friends, acquired experience. When all these factors come together, we can talk about human nature. Within its framework, a life path is born, since it is impossible to limit the expectations and fantasies of the person from the outside.

The secret of how to find yourself in this life through choosing the path is in the following tips:

  1. Refusal of fear of experiments with the change of profession. The more the number of specialties familiar to a person, the more accurately he knows which of them can be considered a calling;
  2. Control over emotions. A person capable of self-control can understand and feel his needs;
  3. Training of the ability to live in harmony with the inner self. You have to choose your path, listening to sincere desires, and not imposed ideas about an ideal future.

How to find your spiritual path?

The development of the soul is fundamentally different from the desire for material achievements. To a man with mundane dreams it is difficult to understand that pleasure can bring something else, besides high earnings. The spiritual path is the key to the dilemma of how to find the meaning of life, giving moral satisfaction and peace. Comprehension of the highest destiny of the soul is based on certain rules:

How to find your place in life?

Long reflections on what it means to find a place in life, are tormented by losers and businessmen who have achieved success. A place can be understood as a country or a specific city, position, family status or level of popularity. Psychologists advise to sound an alarm if it does not remind of itself periodically. A constant search for truth and ways sifts doubts, prejudices and alien installations grafted with manipulators. Employees who are inclined to constantly seek and discover new ones appreciate any bosses for their resistance to stress and the generation of new ideas.

How to find oneself in life - Orthodoxy

The key to thinking about the search for the meaning of existence and their own way Orthodox Christians are looking for in religion. She suggests that every believer is created to be a person who can decide how to find his way. God reserves for him the right to make an informed choice, carried out in conjunction with responsibility for him. Knowledge of the positive and negative consequences of any step makes you think about making an important decision, in the end, to achieve success, not collapse.

Orthodoxy also tells about the duties of a Christian on the path of faith, as part of knowledge revealing the secrets of self-knowledge. He can choose any profession and hobby, except for those that are considered to be sinful. A person who has already set foot on the path of sin, but who has repented in time, can receive redemption, flatly refusing blasphemous purposes. Every believer should constantly strive for spiritual development, the multiplication of talents, to seek oneself, along with getting rid of fear. Help in this difficult matter can mentor is a wise cleric with experience and knowledge of the Bible.

How to find yourself in life - books

The best way for self-determination on the life path remains the work of psychologists and philosophers. Even in fiction there are answers to questions related to how to find oneself in life. Some books help to set goals correctly for those who can not independently choose life guides. Success is trained by reading A.S. Griboyedov, A.S. Pushkin, Paolo Coelho, Jerome Salinger. Their books touch upon the questions of good and evil, the value of every sigh and the truth of dreams for someone who is ready to do anything to find their own way of life and to pass it with dignity.

Leadership books deserve special attention: how to find oneself in life they tell from the position of high motivation of the person and maximum progress in career. In relation to them, there is a prejudice associated with an abundance of charlatanism in the field of business coaching. And without attending trainings, a good book will tell you everything about finding a destination in life, high earnings and choosing the right profession.

These include:

  1. "Be the best version of yourself" is the book by Dan Valdschmidt, who went from suicidal thoughts to the top of success, becoming a strong personality.
  2. "What will you choose?" - the book of the teacher of Harvard Tal Ben-Shahar will help to make the right choice and get rid of fear of oneself.
  3. "Important Years" is Meg Jay's book about why you should not postpone everything for later.
  4. "Rice storm" of the author Michael Mikalko. A book about the most interesting ways of non-standard thinking leading to success.
  5. "From urgent to important" Steve McCulty. A book for those who are tired of running away from themselves and wanting to find their spiritual path.